Tuesday, June 9, 2020


Sunday I got a call at work from a girl who used to work at the store. She wanted to tell me that she mowed my lawn for me but I would have to do the trim. What an awesome surprise and totally out of the blue. Then she told me her grandson said he would mow once a week for $20. I'll have to think about that one since I'm a bit on the cheap side. I hate payig for something I'm perfectly capable of doing myself.

I did a test with blogger yesterday morning. First I wrote a post in the new blogger format. Even early in the morning it was rather slow doing anything. Then I switched back to the old format and tried again. It worked perfectly with no lag time at all. At least I know it's not my internet connection or computer that is causing the issue. I'll stay with the old format until I'm forced to switch.

I took the camera out in the yard the other day. I don't have many flowers in my yard since I'm a horrible gardener but I do have a few that are tolerant of my neglect.

I have quite a few of these Japanes iris and right now they are looking so pretty.

The lupine is also blooming. I won't show you the rest of the area where these are growing because it is totally over taken by weeds and looks horrible. I need a gardener to come take care of my yard work.


Ginny Hartzler said...

They are beautiful! I have only seen Japanese Iris once, at a Botanical Garden.

Laurel Wood said...

Very pretty flowers. I hope you have a good day.

Hootin Anni said...

I'm right there with you on that issue. If I'm capable mowing, I'll do it...besides, it's exercise.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Absolutely gorgeous flowers in your yard. $20 doesn't sound like much but when you think about it that's $80 a month. It's good to know he's there if you need him though. I am cheap to the Bone also and that would be because I never had the extra money to do stuff like that. At least you got it cut this time. Maybe he could cut it every other week!

Rose said...

Oh, I love that iris...and that lupine is beautiful!

Gayle said...

I still object to the question if I want to go to a blogger's site that I clicked. I click it and look away expecting the new page when I look back and there it is waiting for me to answer for Pete's sake. :)
And as long as I'm whining, I object to the large font choice being changed from 'extra large' to 'HUGE". :) :)
Pretty flowers. Did you day weeds? Remember, they are just misplaced plants.

Gayle said...

Me again. I just mowed our lawn yesterday which I tend to enjoy. Now paying someone to pull weeds that might be worth considering ;)

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

I also do my own mowing and just about everything else that I am able to do. It is good exercise and I'm worn out when finished, but it feels good. I hope to get out and mow this morning, waiting for the dew to evaporate off the grass first. $20 a week is too much for me on my budget. It was nice of her to mow your grass for you and you know that her son is there to do it when you might feel like having him do so.

Love your flowers ~ don't feel bad, I've got weeds too, some have flowers and the bees and butterflies visit them so I leave some for them to enjoy.

Forsythia said...

You've helped me make up my mind. I'll stay with the old blogger until I am forced to switch.

handmade by amalia said...

I love your lupine. I'm also staying with the old blogger. With all the problems I've had with them, I dare not touch anything.

Sandee said...

There's always a learning curve with blog changes. We end up adapting at some point. Progress or so they say.

How nice you got your lawn mowed. I hear you about not wanting to pay when you can do it yourself.

Love the flowers. If you want to see weeds come to our house. We're not very good with keeping the weeds down.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Lin said...

It was nice that she did you lawn, but it sorta felt like a commercial to me after the pitch for lawn service. $20 is a lot considering that for $25 you can probably get a service that trims and hauls away the grass for you. I'm like you...as long as I'm able....

Jeanette said...

I love Iris's. I had quite a few at my old house that I should have dug up and taken with me!

Grace said...

$20 a week seems a bit much but I'm so out of touch with what things cost...Still it was a nice thing the woman did but yeah, I'm thinkin' she was just trying to drum up some work for her son. Do lawns actually have to be mowed every week???

The Feminine Energy said...

I'm glad you got your lawn mowed at least once for free, Ann. I think $20 is cheap for someone to mow but if you feel like you can do it and you don't mind doing it, then why pay that out? Your iris & lupine are gorgeous and I'm sure you could have beautiful gardens on your property if you wished.... but working as hard as you do, plus mowing & such, I wouldn't have flowers either if I were you. They're just another thing to take care of.... and you have enough to take care of as it is. Love, Andrea xoxo

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The flowers are so pretty. I have no clue what the new blogger is but I certainly don't want to face change! I'm not sure what you should do about the lawn but I know that if I could still be cutting ours I would.

Ann said...

Ginny, the iris are really pretty and they spread. I started out years ago with just a small clump

Anni, yep, I may not enjoy it but that's besides the point...lol

Gayle, I haven't gotten that, blogs just load for me, I haven't checked out the font. Now I'll need to go see what that does. Well I guess I have TONS of misplaced plants...lol

Cynthia, some have changed and not had problems with it but it can never be easy for me...lol

Sandee, yes there sure is and I don't like changes so it takes me a bit to adapt. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with lots of weeds.

Lin, now that you mention it yes, it was like a sales pitch.

Grace, I think it sounds like a lot too considering I push mow the whole lawn in an hour. If he's using a rider it will take less time and even at the hour, $20 an hour is more than I make. My lawn does need to be mowed ever week unless we have a really hot, dry spell.

Andrea, I don't always mind doing it but if it's really hot out it really wears me out. I've never been much of a gardener and the older I got the more I hated having to weed. It was more effort than I was willing to put into it.

Susan Zarzycki said...

I have the same kind of irises growing in my weed ridden flower patch. Your lupines are gorgeous! Mine here in Maine are deep bluish purple. We also have lots of white and pink on the Island but I have never seen your color before!💖

CrystalChick said...

Pretty flowers!!!
My husband mostly does our lawn/edging. We had a service years ago when he was much busier with work but eventually the cost got a little too much and he went back to doing it. I help a little, not able to do too much though. While he enjoys some of it, he does sometimes appreciate help too and was hiring a friend who needed work. They put that on hold during Covid, but will probably start again sometime next month.

Duni said...

Love them both! The lupine is elusive over here. Great shot!

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