Monday, June 8, 2020

My favorite day of the month

Yesterday was Sunday and I had to work, plus it was a 10 hour day. That was all ok though because once I got home I had dinner to make for the monthly family dinner. 
Sure it's great having my son and daughter come to visit but the real treat is getting to see Presley.

There's always play time too.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Gosh she is growing. How beautiful she is!

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so glad you have that tradition. She's such a sweetheart. :)

Laurel Wood said...

She is so pretty. I especially love her flip flops.

Hootin Anni said...

I can see why it's a favorite time! She's so cute.

Sandi said...


Kate said...

Presley is precious and it looks like she can entertain herself. It's a great idea to have monthly family dinners.

Grace said...

What - you couldn't give us a pic of her beautiful face???

Forsythia said...

I love how focused they look when they are playing.

Sandee said...

I so get this. I feel the same way about my great grands. They are most precious.

I linked this post to Awww Mondays.

Have a fabulous day off, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

The Feminine Energy said...

Awwwwwwww.... sweet Presley. She's growing like a weed, as my mother always used to say. She's absolutely gorgeous, Ann. There is nothing better than a little girl that age!! Love, Andrea xoxo

Rose said...

Ann, she is just simply adorable! I bet knowing she is going to be there gives you wings to get through the day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

A-Dorable!! So glad you had a visit and got to play with Preslie

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm happy for you. She is such a sweetie!

Lin said...

I am glad that you have that family time to look forward too! What a doll she is!

Ann said...

Ginny, I know, she's getting so big so fast

CheerfulMonk, I got tired of never getting to see any of them so started the monthly dinner so we could at least get together once a month

Anni, she sure is and I just love watching her

Grace, well she was a bit on the cranky side so I took what I could get. She was getting upset if anyone other than her mom even talked to

Cynthia it is cute isn't it

Sandee they sure are

Andrea, yes she sure is. She reminds me so much of my daughter when she was that age and I have to say she does look a lot like my son. I see a lot of her mother in her though too

Lin me too and believe me I enjoy every second of those dinners.

Connie said...

She is absolutely adorable . . . but you already knew that, LOL.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

Hey that's great, and with your "monthly dinner plan" means you really get to see Presley growing up...

Jeanette said...

She's a cutie! Seeing our kids is always great but seeing the grandkids! A special treat for sure!

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