Saturday, June 27, 2020

What's your headline?

I saw this on Facebook and really liked it. Read it and then tell me what your headline will be for today. I think mine will be woman enjoys day off.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I love this! So many of us would feel so much better if we only concentrated on what is around us, and not the bigger picture. My headline would be... Today was a beautiful day and we are both feeling good".

Laurel Wood said...

I wish you a very enjoyable day off. My headline would be that I'm grateful for blog friends and being able to "visit" one another even during difficult times.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my headline is
Miracle Happens, Sandra focused on her own life, not the world....

MadSnapper n Beau said...

PS I have been awake since 1:45 FRETTING over the world situation and our situation... i would list it all but not enough room.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

What a wonderfully encouraging piece, thanks for sharing. My headline for today is: Woman wakes up thankful for a good sleep and looking forward to a new day.

Have a great weekend dear Ann ~ FlowerLady

Hootin Anni said...

Texas Woman is Happy to Have Another Day to Live.

Rose said...

This is wonderful...I wish mine would read 'Woman decides to sleep All Day,' but that is not to be. So it guess mine will be 'Woman keeps promise to herself to sew some.'

The Feminine Energy said...

How beautiful! Enjoy your day off, Ann. My headline would be "The Sun Is Shining Bright Today"! Love, Andrea xoxo

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Enjoy your day!
"Grandma sees precious James last night"
"Pork chops and risotto for dinner tonight"

Connie said...

Dear Ann, I am so glad I came visiting today and read this, it is so encouraging and reminds us of what is important. My life today is not about hating, looting or virus, my day is about hoeing the garden, scratching the cute little ears of my furry friend and reading blog posts of dear friends from all around the world. My headline would be "Woman so busy counting her blesses that she doesn't have time for the negative issues around her". Now, I hope that headline stays true for the next 24 hours or hopefully longer. I know that it's very easy to let all the sadness and negativeness creep back into our minds . . . it's a battle.
Well, thank you for publishing this, now I'm going to read it again :)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

This is perfect for us to read right now. I am surrounded by neighbors that care and workers that do a good job and a husband that is grilling chicken for dinner tonight. I pray for all the troubles in the world and always say thank you for my many blessings. I hope you have some time off to rest this weekend! Take care my friend and thanks for inspiring us all. Hugs!

CheerfulMonk said...

Thank you!

peggy said...

Love it Ann, printing it out and putting in my journal. Mine for today would be WE GOT RAIN! And boy did we ever need it. The comments you got were great too!

Jeanette said...

I love this! At this point this is how I want to live anymore! See the world through the people around me!

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