Monday, June 22, 2020

short but sweet

In the last week or so I would say that my greatest accomplishment has been that I have not injured anyone. Whether it's because of how crazy everything has been or some other reason people are just getting on my nerves


Ginny Hartzler said...

It's no wonder, the way things are nowadays. Eat a lot of chocolate and get lots of sleep.

CheerfulMonk said...

I don't wonder! You are working way too hard and need some breaks.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I'm with you sister! It's a wonder to me that I haven't already killed Bob after almost four months of staying at home together 24/7 and also I found other people getting on my nerves

Hootin Anni said...

The only good thing I have noticed (living in a larger city) is: no traffic - other than that, stop the world, I wanna get off.

The Feminine Energy said...

Yep! I hear ya, girl. If it's not the virus, it's the election. If it's not the election, it's George Floyd (God rest his soul). I keep my curtains closed most of the time now... I want to keep the outside world away!! Love, Andrea xoxo

Ann said...

Ginny, chocolate and sleep sounds like a good solution to me

CheerfulMonk, sometimes it feels like all I do is work

Anni I'm in a small town but even so at first the streets were pretty empty. It didn't seem to take long though before people were out and moving around

Andrea, between politics, the virus, the racial divide, people at work and even my own family, I'm ready to blow a gasket

Kate said...

I can totally relate. The good thing is that we're not alone in feeling this way. ^^

Rose said...

I had to laugh at Ginny's sounds wonderful. If you only could get lots of sleep...chocolate is good any time! For anything.

Pam said...

Its called the Corona Crazies! Its everywhere. Folks nerves are on edge and its just cause the world has turned up side down and we can't seem to right ourselves again.

Sandee said...

I hear you. People can do a number on you, but I think we're all feeling like we're in the same boat. Some are just not excepting it very well.

Have a fabulous day off, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Silver in AZ said...

I've been off kilter this past week myself. Might be related to the eclipse, summer solstice, who knows. Hope things improve for you soon.

Lin said...

I am hiding out and avoiding everything and everyone. The world is so nasty these days. Everyone has an opinion and feels the need to not only share, but to demand that you share that opinion as well. I'm tired and disgusted.

I hope you have a better week ahead.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Well good for you not hurting anyone....LOL!

Laurel Wood said...

I am so weary of virus talk and politics. I rarely leave home but when I do it seems other drivers get on my nerves!

peggy said...

wow Ann, what comments you are getting! Ginny has the best solution only it isn't working for me. Today (Monday) is really weird, it is a totally silent world here. I can't put my finger on anything specific but it is really strange.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

I'm lucky, but also grateful that I don't have to go out there to work, or for any other "must do reason" ... but there are still things "doing my head in" especially in New Zealand where I live. Sounds like chocolate and Gibbs is your "go to answer" until you can have a break away some place else...

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