Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Keeping myself busy

So since yesterday was another day off and I didn't want to sound all whiney again, I decided to find things to occupy my time. I still wanted to lay on the couch but I forced myself to do other things.

When I take pictures of my crafts or cards I usually throw a white tablecloth over one of the dining room chairs. I decided I would make something to use as a backdrop. I took some white fabric and made basically a pillow case that can slide down over the back of the chair.

Then I took a second piece of the same fabric, hemmed all 4 sides and used that to lay over the seat of the chair.
When I want to take pictures I just slide this over in front of the sliding glass door for some natural light and snap away.


CheerfulMonk said...

That's a great idea! Doing things like that always lifts my spirits. :)

Laurel Wood said...

You are so creative. This is a great idea for taking photos. I tried for 30 min. to take a picture of my youngest cat this afternoon. She would not sit still!!!

Hootin Anni said...

I like it! Genius idea.

Rose said...

That is something I need to remembet...

Kate said...

Clever idea Ann!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

This is a super duper cheap way to get a light box and I never thought of doing that of course I can't so and now that I'm thinking about it I don't have a single white pillowcase in the house but I think I might have a white sheet that would sit in a chair thanks for the idea look out for the next madsnapper white-box snapshots. Actually at first I thought you were making a hood haha

Sandee said...

You are most clever. I like it. What a neat and easy way to take the best shots of your crafts.

Have a fabulous day back at work. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Jeanette said...

That is a great idea! It does feel nice to get something done, doesn't it? Even if you have to force yourself!

Gayle said...

Being creative on your time off doesn't get much better and nice results.
I often use poster board for backgrounds but I would like the slight folding of the fabric to soften the background.

Silver in AZ said...


I'm pulling out coloring books this afternoon. They bored me pre-Covid. We'll see if they bore me now. LOL

The Feminine Energy said...

Ann, you are so ingenuitous!! I love this idea. Now, if you need something more to do, could you come to my house? I've got dishes to do, weeds to pull, and a bedroom paint job that needs finishing. Oh, did I mention I have the two granddaughters here too? Never a dull moment! Love, Andrea xoxo

Connie said...

Ann that is a marvelous idea . . . so practical . . . aren't you a little smarty, Bravo!
Thanks for sharing :)

Ann said...

CheerfulMonk, I don't know if it lifted my spirits or not but it did keep me busy.

Anni, thanks

Kate, thank you

Sandee, and hopefully less hassle too

Gayle, I've used poster board in the past. I used to have several colors but I could never find a good place to store them where they wouldn't get all beat up

Andrea, thanks. Well I don't know how helpful I would be around your house considering that all those jobs you have to do also need to be done here :)

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

that's a great idea...and easy manipulate when you want to photograph something.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's perfect! Great idea.

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