Tuesday, July 7, 2020

last minute card

Wades youngest son's birthday was July 4th. I didn't have any ready-made cards that were appropriate for a guy so I had planned on picking one up at work. Day after day I kept forgetting until it got to the day before his birthday. I just decided it was time to stop relying on my memory and put together a quick card. Although I forgot to take a picture of the actual card that I made I did take a picture of the leftover papers and stickers that I used.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Looking very festive!!

The Feminine Energy said...

My Aunt Julie... my Mom's oldest sister... was born on July 4th too. We always used to have our family reunion picnic at her house on her b/d. Happy Birthday to Wade's boy. I love the paper & stickers you chose for his card. Love, Andrea xoxo

CheerfulMonk said...

It looks cheerful and friendly. :)

Hootin Anni said...

You did good! But, that doesn't surprise me.

Laurel Wood said...

It's often hard to find a card suitable for a man. I like the choices you made and I know he appreciated your thoughtfulness.

Ella said...

Very nice card, Ann!
You did it very well!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

It sounds like you're forget her is like my forget her and has become forgotter.

Rose said...

It is nice that you could make one...that would be so handy to be able to do.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

We have so many summer birthdays and this is a good idea. I'm using some of my art cards to send and writing in my message. Take care and have a good day my friend.

Sandee said...

At least you remembered. That's the important part. My oldest granddaughters birthday is today.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Ann said...

Ginny, it worked in a pinch

Andrea, and happy birthday to your Aunt Julie

CheerfulMonk, thanks. He probably liked the instant scratch off ticket I put inside better though...lol

Anni, thank you.

Ella Thanks I didn't have a lot to work with, most stuff I have is rather girly

Sandee, very true. I remembered about a week before but kept forgetting to pick up the card. I compensated for being late by sticking in an isntant lottery ticket

Pam said...

These old feeble minds of ours......haha....I keep all kinds of cards on hand anymore. Matter of fact since mom's passing I have made it a point to send out cards when someone loses someone. Those cards I got meant the world to me. I have also taken to sending out get well cards and just thinking of you cards. Yesterday I mailed a sympathy card, two thinking of you cards, get well card and a bday card.

Ann said...

Pam, that's awesome. I am always thrilled to get a card in the mail. It's a nice little pick me up

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm sure it was perfect. You're good at making cards!

CrystalChick said...

At times I keep a basket full of handmade greetings but am getting low to empty on supply so must get busy in my craft room some day soon. I have lots of papers and stickers too. Your choices go well together, I'm sure the card was very appreciated!

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

aha, time for you to "make again" - you need to have a supply for all kinds of reasons.. and if the majority are "blank message" - all you have to do with make a message to fit the card.

you were of course looking to that, weren't you? :-)

Ann said...

CrystalChick I always seem to have cards on hand but none are apropriate for guys. I guess I need to work on expanding my stash

Catherine You are so right. I need to expand the stash and learn to include more guy cards. Mine are always blank inside

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