Friday, July 10, 2020

New mask

I figure as long as we have to keep wearing masks, I may as well have fun with it. If it keeps up I'll do special ones for the holidays. Here's one I made Monday.
I like this pattern because its quick and easy to put together.


Ginny Hartzler said...

It is gorgeous!!!! And perfect.

CheerfulMonk said...

Good for you! :)

Ella said...

Masks have started to be part of our outfit ... I think I will start making one for each dress ... LOL
Yours is very beautiful .... I mean the material is excellent!

Hootin Anni said...

I have seen so many lately that match outfits! I think you're doing a super job. And making them to be festive for the holidays...awesome idea.

Laurel Wood said...

I adore this fabric. Fun idea to make masks for the holidays, too!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

YAY flamingos!!! LOVE this one!!! great idea for the holiday theme.. what comes up next.. Turkey Day, right? lets see a turkey mask

Grace said...

That shape is much better than the pleated ones we have discovered, as well as the stretchy cotton fabric being easier to breathe through.

Sandee said...

I love it. I love all things flamingo.

Have a fabulous day and weekend, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Jeanette said...

Looks comfy! I have yet to try using strips of old t-shirt for the ear straps but I plan to.

Rose said...

Oh, I so love that fabric!

Connie said...

How nice and such sweet fabric. We've always thought of wardrobe accessories as hats, gloves, jewelry and scarves, but who would have thought we'd be adding masks to the list.

Kate said...

LOVE it Ann!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Very cute!

Ann said...

Ginny, thank you.

CheerfulMonk, I was in need of a fun and summery mask

Ellas, that sounds like a good idea to have one for each dress

Anni me too. I've seen masks from the very fancy to the most pathetic looking home made ones ever.

Grace, I haven't tried a pleated one but I'm pretty sure it would be too thick for me. Lately with the heat and working in the area I do I'm ready to die. The mask holds all that hot air in then the hat I have to wear keeps all the heat from escaping out that way. It's horrible.

Sandee, thanks.

R's Rue said...

Love it so much

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

OH WOW! That's what I need for summer in the South! lol I need to look at my fabric again and see what I have. I love this one. Happy weekend.

Duni said...

That one is cheerful!

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