Thursday, July 9, 2020

More cakes

Just a couple more cakes that I've recently done at work
This first one was supposed to have an edible image on it. The Rugrats image that I had was rather old and I couldn't remove it from the backing paper. Since I couldn't get a hold of the customer I laid the image on the cake with the paper with instructions to inform the customer that it would have to be removed before they ate it.
 the order for the next cake had very little information so I need you to call the customer to find out what they actually wanted. The woman that I talked to said she really didn't care. I asked her what color  because the order didn't even have a name on it so I didn't know if it was supposed to be colors for a guy or a woman. She told me no it's for me, my husband told me just to go ahead and order my cake.


The Feminine Energy said...

I love both those cakes, Ann. They look delicious! Love, Andrea xoxo

Ginny Hartzler said...

The first one is cute! I like the nifty and unusual border you put around it. The second one is beautiful! If I had to order my own cake, I would sure order it just the way I wanted it, she must have been depressed.

Hootin Anni said...

I like them both...#1 adorable. The 2nd one beautiful!

Ella said...

I tasted a little bit of both ... and they are delicious!
Fortunately ... on the internet they are sugar-free! LOL

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I'm with L I didn't think about I could taste your text because there sugar free on the internet haha you did really well on the cake that she didn't know what she wanted it's beautiful. Before I gave up eating cake I used to go buy a Caravelle ice cream cake for our birthdays because we both loved it. I agree with Jenny you did a great job using your own instructions instead of hers.

crafty cat corner said...

Love those roses on the second cake, lovely.

Rose said...

I, too, noticed the border of the is cool. And the second one is really beautiful.

Laurel Wood said...

They are both great cakes. I would like one just like the 2nd one! lol

Jeanette said...

They both look good. Fancy border on the first one. I for some dumb reason felt a little sad for the lady who ordered her own birthday cake!

Sandee said...

Her husband had her order her own cake? I think I would have passed on that. Just saying.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Ann said...

Andrea, thank you

Ginny, Thanks. I do that border with a writing tip. I just squeeze the bag over the cake and let the string of frosting fall wherever. I go all around the cake with one color then do it again with a second color

Anni thanks

Ella, that is the nice thing about internet cake. Not only sugar free but calorie free too :)

Brioni, thank you

Sandee, yeah, that was kind of sad that he couldn't order it for her.

CheerfulMonk said...

I agree that, as usual, your cakes are beautiful. When I think of the ones Kaitlin and I used to decorate I have to laugh. That's so sad about the woman.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

nice to see the cake decorating orders are trickling in after not many during the initial lockdown period and that people feel that they need to celebrate a person. such a sad story from the 72 year old woman, I hope she eats the lion share of it...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The cakes are beautiful and I love the roses!

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