Thursday, July 30, 2020

you can't make this stuff up

Yesterday morning at work I started my day as usual. When I'm making the donuts I set one of the trays that I put them on, on top of the stove. Just like always that's what I did. I filled it up with donuts after they were finished And when I went to grab the tray it was exceptionally hot. Turns out somebody left the burner on all night long and it was so low that I didn't see the flame. You can see the mark on the back of the tray where it was sitting on the burner.
After that I had a nice little argument with the milk delivery guy.
The third and final event of the day was when a customer called wanting to know if she could get her money back for a money order she had purchased a few days ago. I told her what our procedure is and then she informed me that the person who was supposed to get the money order had refused it and wrote void on the money order. I then told her about the next procedure she should follow to have the money order replaced. She then informs me that she's already done this and just wanted to know if she could get her money back for the money order she purchased. Sorry lady you're having it replaced you can't cash the money order now


Hootin Anni said... of those days!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Oh my word!! Three strikes and you are out the door I hope. The thing is not only did the pan get burned but it could have ruined all the donuts that you put on the pan you didn't say I hope they were okay. I didn't even know people bought money orders these days

Rose said...

What a day! O guess the lady thought the money irdercwas a double your money plan.

Jeanette said...

Seems when it rains it pours!

Sandee said...

Some days are filled with stupid. You had stupid in spades. I hope today is better.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Forsythia said...

Tomorrow has GOT to be better.

Grace said...

I did that - left a burner on super low and then plopped a cookie sheet on top when I took the rest of dinner out of the oven. Didn't notice it till I went into the kitchen to clean up and burned my hand! And also had to throw the cookie sheet...But, on the other hand I haven't had any arguments with the milk delivery guy or a confused customer...

Ann said...

Anni, yes, it certainly was. This was all before 9am so at least it didn't go like that all day long

Sandee, yep, a stupid overload

Cynthia that's for sure

Grace, I got lucky I didn't burn my hand. I'm thinking if it had been a metal pan I would have. The argument with the milk delivery guy isn't the first one I've had. The guy is a real pain in the butt.

Ginny Hartzler said...

So what became of the donuts???

Laurel Wood said...

What a rotten day. Makes you want to scream!

My Tata's Cottage said...

Those days are the worst days! One Thanksgiving, someone left a burner on the stove and the hubby set a plate filled with turkey on it! It exploded and scared us to pieces! Those are the crazy days we do not like except once and a while. I think calm and peaceful days are much better. Trust me I understand completely. Have a great new day! HUGS across the miles.

CheerfulMonk said...

I hope tomorrow is a LOT better!

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

OMG - hope the rest of the shifts are better - isn't there a saying that "once you've struck three" your luck returns...

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Debby@Just Breathe said...

What that was not fun at all! Sorry about your day.

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