Monday, July 6, 2020

Just my opinion

I hesitate to write posts like this because voicing ones opinion can so easily cause drama these days. But after much consideration I decided I just needed to get it out.

I think we all will agree that the world is a crazy place these days. Rioting, protests, the virus are just a few of the things getting people in an uproar. One that is making me absolutely crazy however is the extent people have gone to with black lives matter. Let me start by saying that I agree, black lives do matter but so do white, red, brown or any other color. It's time for everyone to agree that ALL lives matter. There is good and bad in any race/group/organization but we ALL matter. It's gotten to the point where it doesn't even seem like it's about black lives any more. If it were about black lives then why are businesses owned by black people being burned? Why are black people losing their lives? Why are black police officers being grouped in with all the others who are being ridiculed for the bad behavior of some?

It is time, that we all stand united and say enough is enough. Stop tearing down statues, stop defacing monuments, stop destroying property. Removing symbols from the past will not erase history. We can't change what has happened in the past but we can learn from it and not repeat those mistakes.

I was just readin the other day that the NFL will now play the black national anthem before the star spangled banner. Our country is supposed to be a melting pot of all different races uniting as one. So the star spangled banner honoring the land of the free and the home of the brave should get top billing.

I'll end here because at this point I may be just rambling but I'm so confused about how we have gotten to where we are today.


Laurel Wood said...

Ann, I agree with you. An 8 year old girl was killed in Atlanta by protesters over the weekend. You are right - EVERY life matters.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Our country is now a sad, sad place. I have pretty much lost faith in humanity.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Those graters are not in my kitchen, I got them from the web. But I made it today and will be posting it!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Agree 100%! Well said! I'm looking at the comment above my comment and Jenny says that's not her greater in the kitchen I could have sworn that the second one was hers. Hope you have a good day off

Hootin Anni said...

Amen! I read online that one NFL player said blacks have no national anthem...I say what the hell? Our nation is ONE nation, under God! The anthem we sing is for ALL.

Ella said...

I agree with you! I really like how you wrote ... All lives matter! I am not happy to hear "with power" but neither "black power" The only one who has "power" is the holy God !!
Glad to reading you again!
Have a great week!

Rose said...

Well said Ann. I think Blacks have been treated terrible...but that does not excuse these actions. I cannot think of how many different children have been killed. It is madness. And then they want to defund the police...I heard that one that one of the politicians said something along the lines of 'we don't need the police, we will just call 9 1 1.' I think surely that is not true...but it dies sound about right.

Sandee said...

Well said, Ann. I too feel the same. Enough is enough. This is about power and politics.

Have a fabulous day off, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Jeanette said...

Well said! I totally agree with you. If black lives really matter then why is the focus not on black people killing black people, especially in Chicago? The BLM movement is about politics and all the money donated goes to the Democratic party. That's my opinion.

Lin said...

I think a lot of people feel this way, Ann, but are afraid to say anything in this new scary "cancel culture." We are all walking on eggshells these days for fear of retribution for your opinions.

Jeanette is right....Chicago has a Monday morning "Kill Count"...or so we call it. It amazes me that Jesse Jackson and Sharpton aren't marching in the streets demanding an end to BOB violence. It's disgusting. And scary.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I agree with everything you said 100%! It's time to move on....

The Feminine Energy said...

Yep! You're entitled to your opinion and have freedom to express it from the rooftops, if you wish. I'm glad you said your piece here.

My husband and I are caucasian... so too, obviously, are our 2 birth children. But our youngest daughter is African-American. We really didn't know what prejudice felt like until our youngest joined our family. We "white folks" can't understand because... well... it's just not our "experience". You can't even imagine, Ann. Honestly.

Yes, all lives matter. But right now it's black lives that are in focus, due to the horrendous things that have been happening for generations. Yes, all houses that are on fire deserve to have the firemen arrive with their trucks to douse water on the flames. But not all houses are on fire right now... only one... and that one needs the attention.

Love you bunches, Andrea xoxo

Pam said...

Wished I could say that your post, your thoughts, us standing together made a difference but it does not. The powers that be, the ones that decided to play a black anthem before the US one, the folks that decide to change pancake packaging after all these yrs. The groups that change their singing groups names, the government that will not stand up and say, THE STATUE stays....they will not take a stand with you or me or anyone else because they are afraid to lose popularity. They are over compensating and leaning to the ones that are rioting and causing trouble. I can speak out, you can speak out but unless we cause trouble, destroy and set fires, we will get no where.

CheerfulMonk said...

It's a mess, and a lot of the grievances are real. I still remember reading years ago about a 3-year old African-American girl who had been adopted by a Caucasian family. She was happily slathering cold cream on her face, and her mother asked her what she was doing. "I'm going to be white and pretty too." Please talk to Andrea about her experiences with her youngest daughter.

I agree some of the protesters are doing more harm than good, but it isn't clear what can be done to solve a very real problem. I've been donating to a cause for equal justice for everyone.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ann, I'm just now getting to this post.... I TOTALLY agree with you. I think that most of us in our country are truly afraid to speak up because if we do, we'll be called a racist. OR--"someone" may come and burn down our houses. We all want racial justice --but the way to get it is not through protests and violence. I dare say that MOST of the people who are giving money to "Black Lives Matter" have no idea what that group really stands for. People just 'think' they are helping a cause --but I can promise you that cause will not be good for blacks or anyone. It is scary to read about that cause (Not the Slogan--but the actual background of the group in charge), its leaders and what they do stand for. It is VERY UnAmerican.... If our media, our Government wants us to be a Socialist Nation, then the future of our 'free' country will be no more. Scary to think of the Government running every inch of our lives --but that is what some people seem to want..... Goodbye to the America we love so much..... This is just too sad for me (an old woman) to think about. I won't be here for this to happen --but I do worry about my Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren. Seems like scary times ahead... May GOD help us all!

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