Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Now what?

 I'm out of craft projects except for a card that I made a couple weeks ago and has been sitting here waiting for me to take a picture of it.

Yesterday was supposed to be my day off but we only have one daytime cashier at the moment and she couldn't work yesterday so I was scheduled to be cashier. In place of that he gave me today off...BUT... oops he forgot that I've been cashing on Tuesday mornings because there is no one that can work then. So I'm working today too. The over time will be nice but I only get one day off this week.

Sunday was supposed to be our family dinner. Because I didn't remind anyone I had a great big casserole for just me. Anyone who follows me on Facebook and saw my post about I got the message loud and clear, that's what it was about. After all this time of doing it on the third Sunday of the month why do I need to remind them AND wouldn't it make sense that if  you don't hear from me you would call me and say hey, what's up aren't we having dinner. I'm just fed up with it. I ask for one day a month from them and that is apparently too much trouble. Side note for my daughter, if you are reading this, don't get your knickers in a knot over this. I'm allowed to vent just as much as you are. So just chill.

I made cheesy chicken bacon ranch casserole. I had a lot of it so I put two containers of it in the freezer and I'll eat leftover for a few days this week


Ginny Hartzler said...

I sure do understand! And you are even cooking for them. This is so frustrating and makes you feel taken for granted I bet. I have had very similar things happen like this with our family.

handmade by amalia said...

The casserole looks lovely, Ann. Wish I could stop by to share it with you, I'd bring desert.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am going to wade in here with both feet. if my mother or anyone said to me, come on the 3rd Sunday of each month, i would most likely forget. i don't even know what the day is, especially not if it is the 3rd sunday or the 5th. I do think I might mark it on the calendar, but then I might forget to look at the calendar. even the doctor offices call and remind us of our appts... I don't think they did it on purpose, said oh it is 3rd sunday lets not go see mom. do you? hugs and love and i do know it is frustrating and that there is more than meets the blog land eye... love you and I to would like to be there to share that caserole.....

Hootin Anni said...

That's too bad about the missed get-together, but I really don't know both sides of the story so, can't form an opinion. What you cooked looks delicious.

Rose said...

I'd be there in a heartbeat if someone else was making the decision of what to cook and cooking it as well!

I wish you voukd have a surprise day off next week!

Kate said...

I hear ya Ann. My theory is that if the kids (not just yours) want to come they'll come and if they can't then a simple msg. saying they can't make it is a courtesy. BTW your casserole looks delicious!

Sandee said...

Sorry you didn't get your second day off, but you're right the money will be nice.

Sorry your family didn't remember your family dinner. They get busy and forget stuff. We quit doing those dinners long ago. We get together when and if we can.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug. ♥♥♥

Martha said...

Sorry you only get one day off this week and sorry about the family dinner too :(

Lin said...

Ugh. I'm sorry about the dinner. Sometimes you may just assume that everyone is on the same page and you don't have to follow up to check and make sure...and then you get disappointed and let down. That's how it goes around here sometimes and it makes me hurt and angry. I'm sure the whole thing felt worse because you are tired from working all the time. I hope this changes things for you.

Jeanette said...

I'm sorry about your missed dinner with your family! I totally understand your frustration. We ask for so little time and when that seems to be a inconvenience it can be hurtful! And you're right. Just because our kids are adults doesn't mean we don't get to vent our frustrations sometimes! I hope they make it up to you!

Ann said...

Ginny, yes, it is frustrating

Anni, the casserole was very delicious :)

Sandee, my biggest problem is now I have no idea what day of the week it is

Lin, it is what it is so I vent and then pull up my big girl pants and get over it.

CheerfulMonk said...

That broke my heart and I have tears in my eyes. I worry about you working so hard and I'm sad that you didn't get your monthly get together. That's not blaming your family, just that you could use some support from them right now.

Ida said...

Well I know you needed to vent and that's okay. - Sometimes families just need to realize how short life is and try harder to remember the important things. - Also that casserole looks really good.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

bugger - on all points - hope since I'm behind reading, the rest of the week has started to pick up nicely...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Your dinner looks delicious. I would be upset too. ((Hugs))

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