Sunday, January 24, 2021


 I didn't post yesterday because I came home from work Friday night and had absolutely nothing. I still have nothing. The road between work and home is short and boring and if there was anything interesting between here and there I didn't notice it.

I sat in my craft room trying to make something, anything. Instead I made nothing. You would think with Valentines Day right around the corner I would be able to come up with something. I'm blaming it all on too much snow, gray skies and cold weather. 

If anyone wants me I'll be under a blanket on the couch.


CheerfulMonk said...

You are working very hard, so it's no wonder you need a rest. Is there any chance you can curl up with a good video or book to feed your spirit?

Ginny Hartzler said...

See, you managed a post! You are real good about posting when you have nothing. You always turn it into something, just like your crafts. I am betting that before Valentines Day, you will make at least one awesome craft. You just have to be in the right moodto create.

Hootin Anni said...

Lately, I too have not had anything of interest happening.

Rose said...

I think you do good to post as often as you do!

Forsythia said...

Lots of year-round cloud cover in northwestern PA if memory serves me right. That can get you down. "Under the cover on the couch" sounds good to me. I think you'll bounce back soon.

Kate said...

Under a blanket on the couch sounds good especially if Gibbs is there with you. Don't be so hard on yourself. k^^

Martha said...

You can pop in just to talk. You don't have to have anything special. Under the blanket on the couch sounds good too ;)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Under the blanket on the couch sounds perfect!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Well, Kiddo, it sound's like my week has gotten to you as well as me! It's been hell!!

Jeanette said...

I think your creative brain needed a little rest!

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

I think you need a blanket fort

Pam said...

HAHA....scroll PINTEREST, you can find things to blog about. I do it all the time as you know!! haha...But I do understand the gray yucky feeling and not being able to get things going. I do that a lot but then adding pain to it, its a wonder I ever get anything done. But then again, remember self care, if you need that day on the couch under a blanket I suggest you do it. As for driving home, I used to worry when I was younger about becoming a creature of routine, so I would invent new ways home! Course I prob had a longer distance but driving home helped me to unwind and chill a bit. So instead of taking the normal way home, I would take a side street, not the straight route home. Maybe try that!! You might be surprised at what you will find.

Lin said...

oh, you are entitled to a break in posting. I'm sure you are just plain 'ol worn out after this year.

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