Saturday, January 30, 2021

What do you think?

I don't necessarily like writing about serious subjects on my blog but I've got nothing else and this is on my mind. I'm worried about all the talk about raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour. Here are a few of my concerns.

  • After 23 years at my current job, I would end up being a minimum wage employee because there is no way my boss could afford to raise everyone's wages accordingly. 
  • I would be making the same hourly wage as a brand new 16 year old cashier who does nothing but stand at her register and scroll through her cell phone when no one is watching.
  • I would be no better off than I am now because businesses will have to raise their prices to compensate for the higher wages they have to pay.
I understand there are single parents out there trying to make ends meet on a minimum wage job but there are also a lot of high school kids out there who certainly don't need to be making that much money. Without saying exactly what I make, I will tell you that currently I make less than $15 an hour. So yes, raising the minimum wage to that would be an increase in pay for me. But I still have all the above concerns. For the area I live in, I am doing just fine on the wages I make. The thing is you have to know how to manage your money and you have to have priorities when it comes to spending it.

So do I think they should raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour? NO I do not. If they were to do that however, I think it should be for a full time employee only so that an employer has the option of keeping employees at part time especially in the instance where they are still in high school.

OK, your turn. What's your opinion on this subject.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, I really never thought of all the things you are mentioning! I just thought it would be so good for people who have it hard.

CheerfulMonk said...

I agree with you, it's tricky. I can see it would be unfair to you because you work so hard, but it would be even worse for kids wanting their first jobs. If employers had to pay everyone the minimum wage there would be fewer jobs for youngsters, and they would be cheated out of important learning experiences.

I do think that there are hard working people who have to take several jobs to make ends meet. It's difficult.

Ella said...

How so, currently you are making less than $ 15 an hour ?! A 16-year-old really earns that amount here, even if he works partially ... So the basis of the salary is $ 15 per hour, no matter how many hours he works!
Don't know what the law is like in America but it looks like a mess! That you have been employed for 23 years and you get paid so little ... is unacceptable!
Every year the government (in the Netherlands) decides by what percentage the salary will increase in that year, and a 15 year old has to work for a few years until he is eligible for a salary increase!
I knew that going very bad in America with the salary but not that bad either!
I'm so sorry for you, but I can only give you a hug!

Hootin Anni said...

All states have different laws for employers and minimum wages. There are exemptions such as part time wages for those 20 & under, farm workers, those that make tips, disabilities, etc. Check it out with Google and see if minimum wage is required without exceptions. Altho with our new president it may drastically change (it isn't cut in stone yet...I believe Congress must approve it first)

Now, my opinion is if an employee works for their money they have every right to be paid accordingly. I've seen full time workers with tenure not worth a salaried/hourly wage of the same.

Hootin Anni said...

Plus...full time employees have more benefits like vacation with pay, health insurance, sick leave with pay that adds up to MORE than minimum wage.

From an employer's point of view it is better for them to hire part time workers.

MadSnapper said...

i read all the comments and your post, and it is my opinion that laws will not take care of the poor. there has been since the beginning of time, poor and rich and those in between and there is no way to fix that. I see your point of view clearly though. when I got my first job in 1963, after out of highschool, Min wage was 99 cents. there was no way I could live on 40.00 a week, I lived with my parents. there is still no way a min wage person can live on 8.25 and hour which is what we have here the last time i checked.
the problem is, each state and each city is different. one size fits all doesn't work. here in our town, there is no way a person can live on 15 per hour even working 40 hours. a studio apartment is 900 per month, a 1 bed room is 1200 a month. the rent on the two houses across the street from me is 1800. and 1200.00. we do ok on our retirement because our house is paid for, still have taxes and insurance which makes us have to be ultra careful.
I think each state should have its on, per cost of living. my son lives in an area of TN that rent is cheap. the thing is there are no jobs at any rate.

Martha said...

This is such a hard subject. I know both of my boys have worked very hard in their careers and both make about $15 an hour now, but that comes with a whole lot of responsibilities along with that expensive piece of paper called a degree. They are against the minimum wage increase for the same reasons you are.

On the other hand, I've read that if minimum wage would have slowly increased to keep up with inflation compared to when I was young that it should be $22 an hour now. I don't know how it is other places, but here in Florida a person can't live on $15 an hour, the cheapest housing is about $1,200 a month. I've read a lot about how it is in other countries, they would be appalled to see how ridiculously low wages are here.

From my personal perspective I know I sure won't be able to afford to live if prices double on everything so businesses can raise minimum wage along with a hefty increase for those who are only making that much now after years of hard work.

Sandee said...

You are right. If they pull this off and I doubt they will, you will see a lot of businesses go under. There will also be part-time workers too instead of full time. The effects of this will be even greater. No benefits to the worker which leaves them in a far worse place.

Have a fabulous day off, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Grace said...

True that raising the minimum wage across the board will affect the profit margin which is very slim in some establishments, leading to an increase in prices. In your case your employer should raise YOUR salary by the same percentage. And yes, geographical location should play a part in establishing a minimum wage. And yes there should be acknowledgement of experience. Same job, same pay doesn't take into account expertise. Some restaurant workers are not happy with a higher minimum wage because they make more with tips and if the public knows what they are making the tips will go away. It is not such an easy problem to solve.

Rose said...

I know it is going to effect all of us more than people probably imagine if minimum wage goes to $15 an hour. I do think a lot of businesses will go under. For us, we will sure not be going to McD or Hardee's every morn. On top of this, the very people that it is supposed to help will then be dealing with the higher prices. I do not know what the answer is.

Jeanette said...

I sure see a lot of workers who I wouldn't pay 15 cents a hour much less $15. I don't think they should raise the minimum wage. I think workers should be paid on merit. You for example, have been at your job for a long time, your a hard worker and from what you've said before, rarely take time off. You deserve at least $15 or more.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I think that someone brand new off the street should not be making the same amount you're making. You should get a raise above that! You've earned it.

Sandi said...

It will cause all other prices to rise and put some low income people out of a job. Like you said, your employer can not afford to pay everyone more. Some places can afford to pay people more (Walmart, cough cough) and they should have been doing that already so this would not have been an issue. You could stick around and see how the change affects things. Then, if you need to, look for another job. If you find one, go. If not, try to make it work. It may not even happen. Hard to say. But look at a place like San Francisco that has high average salaries. Everything else there costs more. Food, gas, rent. A raise in minimum wage won't just give a 16 year old cashier more spending money. It will also make everything she buys cost more.

Pam said...

I am with you on your thoughts....hell, as a contract employee for the state of TN I only make $19 an hour. And that is a contracted employee of a person that had 33 yrs of service with the state. Employers will have to lay folks off more then likely to cover paying the other employees a higher price.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I totally hear what you're saying, Ann. A similar thing happened to me when I was at the bank. New hires were brought on making what I had worked hard to achieve. Of course, in a bank there are no unions so complaining got you no where but "on the list". So many people don't know what work is...we've had that conversation and unfortunately I don't see how that will change unless employers stop hiring the lazy, irresponsible one!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I totally agree with you..... I especially do not think part timers should get THAT much.... This change will cause lots of businesses to have to close --or to get rid of full-time employees. It's going to be a mess....

The more 'free' money we give to people that the Govt. think are deserving--the most taxes the rest of us pay....We're going to see taxes on EVERYTHING the next year or more.... Just look at gas prices... They will RISE bigtime...

OKAY---off of my RANT.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

COL (cost of living) must be very low in your neck of the woods - looking at one of the replies about home rental revealed that renting here in New Zealand and particularly in my large city is way higher per month (& I'm in a small unit).
Someone else said, wages should increase little by little, so that something significant doesn't cause businesses to go "out of business" or object on shelf doesn't suddenly go "out of reach of folk"
Most years here the COL index raises which also means salary, wages, pensions also increase...
Interesting reading about "nuts and bolts" of other country's ... something I guess we don't think about...

CAAC said...

You made some valid points on why it's not a good idea to raise the minimum wage. The pay increase is passed on the customers and that's something no one ever thinks about. So, you get paid more but now you also spend more. It sounds like a vicious cycle to nowhere. Politicians use this as a way to get votes and people are ignorant enough to fall for these kind of tricks every time. You're also very right in that one has know how to manage his/her money. That's the biggest concern. If you can't get by on what you're making now then chances are you won't if you get a pay increase. Thanks for stopping by Curious as a Cathy on Thursday, my friend!

Lin said...

I can tell you how the minimum wage impacted our company...and it is not good. Because the wages cost so much, we have to a) use fewer employees, b) close the units that are not profitable any longer and c) pass the costs on to the customers...which in the end, reduces the chance of winning bids on new/renewed customers.

The raise in the minimum wage does NOT increase wages for those who earn more currently. Businesses cannot afford that. Would that be nice? Certainly...but we are talking reality here. Especially in the current economy. Higher wages equal higher costs, higher priced items and services, plain and simple. Unions come in and now the employees have union dues to pay as well in their new-found "higher wage." Plus, their new wage increase is mute when prices are increased.

Watch for more "self service" in every industry as companies try to balance the employee wage costs.

My Tata's Cottage said...

It is just another thing on the agenda to destroy our country. Businesses are already going bankrupt and the ones still around have more workers who do not even care what kind of service they give you. It is a terrible situation we are in. My hubby works for attorneys and they believe in quality work so they can afford higher salaries due to their clientele. Its a tough thing. I have been praying for you already. I get what you are saying. I worked for a cheap doctor who made over a million a year when I was let go. My highest salary was $15 an hour and I singlehandedly brought that man more business than anyone who ever worked for him. I still know several of the doctors who would back me up. I took pride in my work and it is sadly lacking in our world today.
Here is a quick example. Our SIL Zach found a place who delivered and made these amazing Empanadas. They were about $4 each and quite small so he ordered $90 worth including beef, chicken and also dessert ones. It took over an hour forthe order to arrive. when it did, they shorted us $60 worth of food!~ he is the kindest soul and he called requested a manager who was a total jerk. You sir, do not deserve $15 and neither do your employees who apparently can not count! Or possibly read. We decided since Rebekah is a fabulous bread maker and all around cook we would learn the art of Empanadas. Argh.....Yum for us BOO for the meanies.
If I go on with the horrible service received since this virus business I would basically write an unflattering book about the food service industry.
Yet I know two lady bakers who survived a take over and still beleive 100 percent in giving their customers baked cakes with exquiste decorating. Do not be discouraged, the lazy ones will fall aside. I am so sorry to be harsh but people like you that take pride will be there and somehow you will be able to survive it all. It is a Catch 22. :-( We have s many who take no pride in work and have zero respect for the rest of us. Very sad.

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