Friday, January 15, 2021

well dog gone

I got a call from the boss yesterday morning telling me that the manager called off and wanted to know if I could come in early. Of course I said yes. After I got there I got a call from the manager who said he's going to be off work for a week because he messed up his knee. So what does that mean for me? It means I am now filling in and working every day. I was looking for a dog gone good reason to use these cute dog stickers in a blog post. However getting stuck working 7 days a week is far from good. At least the stickers are cute


Ginny Hartzler said...

So you are now the manager for a day. Maybe you could give yourself a big discount! And will you also be running the bakery at the same time? Surely not, you can't be in two places at once.

CheerfulMonk said...

I love the stickers but hate you have to work so much. Please take care of yourself. 💕

Rose said...

I hope this means a nice extra chunk of change...and hope that goat don't get a hoarse throat from all the stress you have.

Ella said...

Poor you ... why are some people lucky and never have to work, but then they get everything anyway?
The stickers are cute!

Hootin Anni said...

Cute. At first, I thought it was a food dish floor mat for Gibbs' dishes.
I HOPE you'll be compensated well with overtime (extra hours).

Grace said...

I hope you are stashing the overtime in a special account so that when the world gets itself together you can have one hell of a splurge on something! Fabulous vacation, new kitchen, luxury bath...something that's going to make you say "Ahhh..."

Kate said...

When you're good you're good but darn, 7 straight days is a big ask and task.
Take care. Love the stickers. k^^

Sandee said...

Bugger on working seven days, but I hope the money is good. It better be.

Love the stickers.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Martha said...

Sorry Ann, that doesn't sound like fun at all. I sure hope they are compensating you well for covering!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow, I have put my dog gone application for a loan for a computer in the mail to you... it should be there by the time you finish your week. Happy Manage for a WEEK project.. $$$$ on the way. Hope no one gives you a hard time..

Lin said...

Ugh. Just make sure you don't burn yourself out, Ann. It is important for self care as well as the money.

Pam said...

Cute puppy stickers! Sorry about working but it would be a good pay check coming in but for me, I rather not have that much of a pay check to work 7 days....haha

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Wow, your going to be busy. Take care. I will be thinking about you.

The Feminine Energy said...

Nice extra money but hard on the body, working 7 days per week. Your store is doggone (pardon the pun) lucky to have you, my friend. I hope they know it! Take good care~ Andrea xoxo

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