Saturday, March 13, 2021

 Yesterday after work I had to do a Walmart trip. By the time I got home, put everything away and fed Gibbs and myself it was time to crash and burn. I must have been really tired because after all the napping I went to bed and never turned the tv off. I got up this morning and wondered what all that light was coming from the living room.

This is the night where we set the clocks ahead an hour and I'm not real thrilled about it. I already get up early enough on Sunday morning so tomorrow it will be like getting up at 3 am. I'm anticipating another crash and burn tomorrow.

For today I have no plans other than I need to do the laundry. Of course I plan on going to bed earlier than normal too.


Kate said...

Ann, I'm not a fan of the time change and would prefer to have DST scrapped. Some provinces and states are looking to make the change but seemingly prefer to stay on DST year round - not me. Being early risers we like the early morning sun and would prefer to stay on standard time year round. Alas, few of us have a say in the matter. Hopefully it doesn't take too long for your body to adjust to the time change - sheesh, 4 a.m is early enough . . . take care.

Hootin Anni said...

I hate time change. More so because it screws up my heart med hours & my whole blood system then. Not to mention sleep disorders. Our state senators are trying to abolish time change. I'm all for it.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Florida voted two years ago to not have the time change but the federal said we couldn't do that and it never happened two-thirds of the state voted against the time change. I don't really care which one they leave it on I just want them to quit changing it

Rose said...

I hate the time change, too. I would hate to have young school age kids...they would be going to.bed when it is still light outside.

Martha said...

I can't stand the time change, it always messes me up for weeks after. Especially when I was still working, that's rough. I hope you adjust quickly Ann. Enjoy your day off :)

Ella said...

I hope so that summer time will be abolished ... but certainly not this year and I hate that!
Here the clock is being set one hour ahead of March 28th!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'll be a little 'off' all week long! Have a good weekend my friend!

Lin said...

The time change is always so ugly! It takes me half a year to get used to it...and then it is time to change it again. I have been getting up earlier this week in anticipation.

Pam said...

I hate the losing of an hour of sleep but with me, I can make it up, or play like I am at anytime. I sleep a lot....but with that said, I actually love this time so much more. Wished they would leave it alone and it stay that way.

Forsythia said...

In her 90's, my mother would often say, "It's never bothered me before." I'm 80, so I will repeat what Mom said about DST, but you never know. This might be the year that upsets the apple cart.

Jeanette said...

I always hate losing that hour but kind of like it being light out later in the day! It does take a while to adjust to though!

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a bummer for you! Well, try and get extra seep whenever you can.

CheerfulMonk said...

Yuck having to get up at 3! They assume most people don't work on Sundays, let alone have to get up that early. ☹️

My Tata's Cottage said...

I feel for you, it is tough working such early hours and the time change really is annoying. I hope you have a beautiful week with many blessings. HUGS

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Nothing like losing an hour and it's so dark outside. I do however like the longer evenings. You must have really been tired not to turn the TV off.

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