Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Just another day

March 21st used to be a pretty exciting day for me. These days it's just another day. I did appreciate the fact that I got to sleep in and didn't have to head out to work. After a leisurely start to the day I decided to take a drive to a local Lake. It was a beautiful day with temperatures in the low 60s 
As nice as it was to have the day off it was also a little on the sad side. I spent almost the entire day by myself. It made me realize how few people I have in my life, and it made me feel very alone.
My daughter did come over in the evening with some wonderful gifts that I'll show you in another post. My son managed to sacrifice a few seconds to send a happy birthday text message. Unfortunately no granddaughter visits for me.


CheerfulMonk said...

I hope you can start seeing your granddaughter again soon. It ‘s hard being alone during COVID. 😕

Ginny Hartzler said...

So why no Presley? I am so sorry you feel so alone. That is hard. BUT, why are there no birds or ducks at this lake? That is very strange.

Hootin Anni said...

It's difficult being alone, I'm sure.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the water photo makes me want to wade in that crystal clear water. I assume that water is like ice though. been a long time since i waded. I wish we were in the same place and could wander together. the thing I miss most is the contack with the ladies at the TOPS meetings. I wonder if you have a TOPS meeting you could attend, or some other meeting. If I were living alone it would be much much worse not going to the Y or the meetings. even though bob gets on my last nerve sometimes, he is here and I am never alone.. I know the feeling of empty house and i wish I could be there.. love you

Kate said...

Perhaps it's some consolation to know that many of us are celebrating the same way - alone. Good on you for getting out and about and not having a pity party. k^^

Martha said...

I'm glad you were able to sleep in, didn't have to work, and got out to the beautiful lake for some fresh air and some time in nature. It sounds like a nice, relaxing day. I'm so sorry you feel so alone Ann (((Big Hugs)))

Rose said...

I wish you could have gotten to see Presley...I know the feeling of not seeing our babies. And I am just like you with few people in my life...most of the time i am okay with it, but other times i miss a close friend being nearby...

Sandee said...

If I were near I'd be right with you, Ann. We would have gone wherever you wanted to go that day and I'd do the driving.

Have a fabulous day. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

The Feminine Energy said...

I love water... and your pictures are beautiful, Ann. I can VERY MUCH relate to your feelings about being alone on special days because I share them. My son calls every weekend, at some point, and we chat anywhere between half an hour to an hour. I love it. But the oldest daughter? Nah! My telephone rings, with her on the other end, maybe twice a YEAR... maybe! She sends quick emails when she needs to touch base about something but other than that, nada. *sigh* Her & her family *always* come to family functions and all that but sometimes I'd just like to hear her voice or have 30 minutes of her time... for nothing in particular. Oh well... that's how it is. Please know that I understand & am sending hugs your way. ~Andrea xoxo

Connie said...

Dear Sweet Ann,
Loneliness sucks! That just about sums it all up. I feel the same way . . . thank goodness for our four legged friends. They loves us and cannot hide it . . . their sweet little wagging tails give it a way :) Sending you a belated Happy Birthday wish.
God bless you sweet friend.
Connie :)

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

Your last photo looks like a piece of silky paper with lines to write on...

Jeanette said...

Happy Birthday to you! I'm sorry you spent it alone and you didn't get to see Presley. We're not big on birthdays here and there has been many times I have not seen my kids at all!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm glad you daughter came over. How nice to have her close. Take care of yourself. I like the bunny you made too!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm glad you got out of the house. So sorry for the loneliness. You definitely deserve better than that. ((HUGS)) Glad your daughter stopped over.

Lin said...

Oh, shoot. That sort of sucks that you felt alone on your birthday. I don't think Covid is helping by limiting contact with others and feelings of isolation. We haven't been with friends in a year and I feel alone sometimes too...even if Joe is here everyday. I am glad that you are working and have some interaction with others, I think that helps. BUT...the son thing....ugh. They don't get it how important a call is to us.

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