Saturday, May 22, 2021


A couple weeks ago at work, I was looking through our supply order book for something that I needed. I happened to come across cake boards and containers for 1/8 sheet cake. I decided to order them and try putting out some smaller cakes. I have an 8in round cake but they're different flavored cake such as carrot, Boston cream, German chocolate and a few others. I wanted to be able to put out a small birthday cake that someone could pick up real quick without having to actually order it. I've done a few of them and they've all sold and then the other day somebody called and wanted to order that smaller size. They are quick and easy to put together and I can actually get a higher profit out of them. 
Since I have to cut a quarter sheet cake in half to do these, one was for the order and the other one went in the freezer for the next time I need one to put out.


Ginny Hartzler said...

These are beautiful! I do love these little sheet cakes; not every bakery sells them. But they are just right for two people. Many years ago, I used to buy them once in awhile at Kroger.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I think thee are many that will like the smaller and it is beautiful. most people only want the cake for looks and not the eating. a big one last forever.. unless its a party of course.. great idea...

Martha said...

Nice and they are really beautiful too!

Kate said...

Well done, you! You deserve a raise. ^^

The Feminine Energy said...

That size is absolutely PERFECT, Ann! Good call! I'll bet you're going to sell more of that size now than any other. They're still just as pretty as the larger ones too. ~Andrea xoxo

Jeanette said...

That looks like a perfect sized cake!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's a great idea. There are many time when you want to run in somewhere and pick up a small birthday cake.

Forsythia said...

Great idea!

CheerfulMonk said...

Yes, great idea. Hurray for you!

Pam said...

Great thinking. People like you and I that live alone might want a little cake but will not buy cause they are too big.

LC said...

Those are also perfect for a small but festive celebration. Lovely work.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

maybe some at Christmas for those singles who would find a big cake, too much (yes I know you can wrap and freeze) but just easier at that time of the year...

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