Sunday, May 16, 2021

Not how I want it to be

 I spent another day off being a total slug. Yes, you could say that I  need the rest but it's not what I want to do with my day. I have things I need to do around the house, craft projects I would like to make, yard work, going out for walks, and the list goes on. Yet every time I think I'm going to it gets to my day off and I just don't have the ambition or the desire to do any of it. 

I don't know if it's just an age thing or if it's because I spend all my time (outside of work) alone. I mostly just think what's the point in doing anything around the house, no one but me will ever see it. I definitely need something in my life to get me excited about doing stuff.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, you work full time, that is enough to make anyone crash on their day off. I think it is more important to get our rest and stay healthy than do certain things. The crafts and walks will always be there waiting. But for when you feel like it.

CheerfulMonk said...

I wish you had a friend to take walks with. I think you might be right, rest is important but so is exercise and connection. 😟

Hootin Anni said...

My sister lives alone, and she admits after her husband died 5 years ago she gets lonely. So she has a book club, plays bridge, gardens, volunteers at church 4 days a week, etc. etc. But she IS retired, so no more day jobs.

Thing is, routine can make life boring too. Maybe change your routine on your day off? That may help. Life is waiting to be explored & lived.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have no answer for this at all. I do know I have been feeling for 17 months like you feel, like no one but me sees it, that kind of stuff. but with the purchase of those valances and adding them to the room, it turned on my care button. before that i did what you do excpet for the work part. nothing is what i was doing. you need a trigger but no idea what that would be. mine seems to be sheer valances and while I am ON i am working myself to death. i am up to chain reaction 5 and still going.. hope you can find a trigger

Rose said...

I dont know how to break that cycle...but I sure know where you are coming from.

Kate said...

Been there, done that and I believe "they" have a name for it - listlessness. My own personal solution has been to pull up my bootstraps and get doing something which seems to get the ball rolling. lol

Martha said...

I can totally relate Ann. For me doing the challenges this year has really helped. Telling all of you my goals makes me feel accountable. Of course I know nobody really cares if I stick with them or not, but it does give me the motivation to keep going. Do you think something similar would help motivate you?

Forsythia said...

I don't know what to tell you. I get into a persistent "do nothing" mood sometimes, but it usually lifts sooner or later. I hope that happens for you sooner rather than later.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

sometimes you just have "to be" - I too live alone and not many people visit - and if they do, most of them understand "this is me, take it or go" - I'm not a working like you, but if I was I'm sure I would collapse on my days off.

and for god's sake don't compare yourself to anyone else, who says "I did this and then that and so forth" you've not them. Work with the "now"...

or as someone else said "flip your days off around" - go out for breakfast at 6pm at night - many places probably do that nowadays (they do that in NZ): "all day breakfast"

do a whole lot of things out of usual never know what will unfold via that.

The Feminine Energy said...

I totally & absolutely understand, Ann. I'm in the same rut... and I have people living here with me (I don't see them often as I prefer my own space but you know what I mean). I'm just bored with life and perhaps you are too. I'm thinking about joining a craft group or something. There's a ceramics place in the next town over and they have group ceramics once a week. I used to do that many years ago & maybe I should do it again. Now that things are opening back up again, maybe it will be easier to find a "group something" to do. I dunno... but be assured you're not alone, my friend, in your feelings. ~Andrea xoxo

Pam said...

I have no room to give advice on this subject cause when home I am with you....I do a lot of sitting around and vegging. I thought all winter that I would start walking in the winter when the weather was nicer. Be good for Chey and me....haha, do you think I have walked any? NOPE....I think your issue could be some age, maybe some just not feeling like doing cause you are alone. I understand. I think that is one reason why I try to make it a point to get out. Working the venue helps me. But you know, you will get in there and do things when the mood hits you. I am trying to learn that.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

When you find it share it with me please!!!

Jeanette said...

When I was working full time I had very little ambition. I think you just get tired! Now that I'm retired I don't have as much ambition as I thought I would have. The good thing is I can take my time getting stuff done!

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