Friday, May 14, 2021

Friday funnies and answers

First I'll answer some questions from yesterday's post.
I don't use the mower because I've always had trouble starting it for some reason. Now that I've hired someone to mow for me I don't need to worry about it any way. The winter before Wade passed away the roof on our shed collapsed because of all the snow. He was going to try and do something with it but he never got a chance. Without the shed, the mower has been sitting under  a tarp next to my deck. I was just tired of seeing it sit there,
Yes, he did buy the mower and came to haul it away that night. I sold it to him for an incredibly great deal. I was to the point where it was more important to me to get rid of it than it was to get a lot of money out of it. Plus he needed a mower and I don't think he could afford a whole lot. It was a win win situation for both of us.
He did bring a battery and a charger with him so he was able to get the mower started and he drove it around the yard a bit. I was actually surprised at how easily it started and how well it ran since it had been sitting so long. I'm just happy that it's gone.

Now on to the funnies


Ginny Hartzler said...

I like the first funny the best, and it is usually true, too! I do remember the shed saga. Ours is about to fall down, so we just ordered a new one. I'm glad you found someone to buy the mower, that was easy!

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so glad you could sell the mower and that you've found someone to do the mowing for you. 😊

The Feminine Energy said...

I'm glad the mower went to an appreciative new owner, Ann, and that you're free of it. Stuff like that "hanging around" is just clutter and needs to move along. :) ~Andrea xoxo

Hootin Anni said...

Way to go...I like stories of "win win"! The funnies...of course the bagels is my favorite.

Martha said...

Cute! Glad for you that the mower is gone and happy it was a win win situation. Happy Friday. :)

Rose said...

I sure understand wanting I'd of something. I always say I should have stuff and have a yard sale, but by the time I decide itsxgot to go, I just want rid of it.

My favorite of the jokes is the first of course...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I never new their were more words to see you later alligator, just thought that was it.. although i do remember saying afterwhile crocodile to the later gator. but now i am blathering. glad the mower went to someone who needed one..

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I agree! Get something to someone who can use it! That's such a good feeling. LOVE the funnies today! Hugs!

Sandee said...

I figured it was a win-win for the both of you. Getting it gone and to someone that will use it is a very good thing.

Love the funnies.

Have a fabulous day off tomorrow, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Connie said...

I especially like the label joke . . . been there :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Glad the lawn mower sale worked out.
Enjoyed the jokes. Have a nice weekend.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

although I don't have such a bit item, I've got to a point where "things to be gone" are given rather than me arguing for a price. I often find that that kind of random gesture, returns something to me through another person...

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