Friday, August 26, 2022

Store charge cards

 I have two store charge cards. I have one for Kohls which I got several years ago.

And I have one for Boscov's that I got last year.

I use the Kohl's card once a year in November for Christmas. I shop the black Friday and cyber Monday sales. I pay it off as soon as the bill comes and then don't use it again until the following November.

I got the Boscov's card in April or May when I was shopping for a dress for my sons wedding. They asked if I was paying with my card and I said I didn't have one. They told me if I opened an account I would get a percentage off my purchase so I did it. I made one other purchase on the card some time in May and haven't used it since. 

Yesterday I got an email from Boscov's and this was part of the message:
        We’ve missed you!
You may not realize it, but your Boscov's Credit Card account hasn’t been used since 05/07/2022. That's why we're planning to close your account on 10/23/2022 - but its easy to activate and keep it open, if you like.

Seriously?  Because it's been just over 3 months since I last used it you are going to close the account if I don't use it by 10/23. That just really annoyed me. I most likely would have used this card the same as my Kohl's card for Christmas shopping but if they are going to insist I use it a certain amount of times per year then maybe I don't want their card after all.


CheerfulMonk said...

I would just close the account. I'm glad you got the discount!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I agree with you! If they are going to close down your card, then just let them, the morons.

Hootin Anni said...

Omgoodness. Drop the account...let 'em close it. They won't get much business with that attitude

Rose said...

I would just let them close it. Come Christmas they will again offer you a discount to open a credit account. A couple of the stores around here does that.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I say ignore and let them cancel it. I don't ever take the cards for this very reason, i have one card and the amazon card. Only amazon goes on their card and everything else I use the bank visa card.

Lin said...

Ah, let them close it! If you need another big ticket item from their store, you can always just open another card. It just seems all so silly, doesn't it?

betty said...

I agree! You would think they would want to keep your account opened. I got my Kohl's card for the exact reason you got the card from Boscov's. I went in to get a dress for my niece's wedding, I didn't have a Kohl's card, they offered me a discount if I got one, so I did. Same with JC Penny's card, lol :) I do occasionally use the Kohl's card for some of their sales where you get an extra amount off if you do use the card. But like you, I pay it off once the bill comes in.


Jeanette said...

I have opened an account at a store just to get the discount, then paid it off when I got the bill and closed the account! I would just let them close it if they are going to be like that!

Sandee said...

If I got a notice like this I'd let the card go. Not nice at all.

Have a fabulous day off tomorrow. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How annoying. But I agree...who wants to shop at a store that sends out a reminder like that. Oh guess what!!! I did get a new set of Pioneer Woman sheets and put them on my bed yesterday. I slept so good on them last night and LOVE them! Thanks for telling us about them. They are a good quality for the price!

Pam said...

Companies have gotten strange! I have not used my store charge cards in forever.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Yes, that does seem extreme to me.

HappyK said...

That's not very long.
We use one credit card for everything and pay it off each month. The card gives rebates so we always get discounts.
Oh I almost forgot I do have a LL Bean credit card and every time you use it you got money towards future purchases.

Donna said...

And it could be a scam trying to get you to enter your password and account info...delete it...go to the official sight and see whats going on.

DeniseinVA said...

That's a bit too much. They wouldn't get me to go back after getting that.

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