Saturday, January 28, 2023


So today is Presley's birthday party. I know this may sound horrible but I do not want to go. I will go, but I don't want to. Why? Several reasons but that may be a story for another day.
Instead I'll show you her finished birthday card and the gift bag that I decorated. The theme for her birthday party is Moana so I found an image online and did a print and cut then glued it to a gift bag.
Here is her finished birthday card I absolutely hate being called Nana however that's what they have decided they are going to call me. I did not have a choice in the matter. Like it or not, that's how I signed the card. Then I cut her name out and glue the letters to the envelope I finished it all off with a birthday girl pin that I found at Dollar General


Ginny Hartzler said...

I know she will just love these, especially the pin. I think I may know some of your reluctance to attend, but you are doing the right thing because it is for Presley.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm sorry the adults won't be friendly...good for you for playing your part well anyway. ❤️

Hootin Anni said...

Family matters are the pits sometimes!! We have issues like that too. I hear ya!!!

Donna said...

Anything for the grandbaby! We have to swallow our ...gall...and proceed.
To have taken the name choice away from you was disgraceful. It's not too late to change it! I told my kids we were Gamma & Gampa so get over it. When they became granparents then it was their choice.
Hugs to you sweet friend...

Rose said...

I hate that you dont get to enjoy this time in your and her life. Out of curiosity what would you have preferred to be called?

Jeanette said...

But you get to see Presley which is the whole reason for going, right? Such a clever and cute gift bag! When my daughter was pregnant and we were trying to decide what I'm going to be called she suggested GiGi, which I quickly nipped in the bud! I wanted Nonna or Nonnie so Nonnie is what my grandsons call me. I love it!

Lori said...

Good for you on going for your granddaughter. She's going to love the cards. Focus on her and enjoy!!

Grace said...

It's for the kid...sorry you don't get to enjoy her more. My princesses live far away but we facetime and I send them little videos which they love. (they are now 3and 5). Since I am a step-parent and the girls have two biological grandmothers. Since I am Italian I started referring to myself as Nonna, Italian for grandmother. Everyone was good with that and it is easy to say. One grandmother is called Mimi, probably her choice, the other grandmother is called grandma. Advice columns are filled with the "What to call grandparents" letters and the answer is always go with the flow the kids will often make up their own name. I am sorry you and Presley didn't get to have that experience.

HappyK said...

The card looks wonderful and I'm sure Presley will love it. Hope you were pleasantly surprised and had a good time. :)

susan q said...

Try to enjoy it. Time will go by fast. You did a great creative job on her card.

Lin said...

Ugh. I'm sorry. Sounds painful...but sometimes we suck stuff up for the little ones. She is caught in a bad situation, and even if she doesn't treat you how you'd like...she is still a little girl and is in a tough spot. She (hopefully) doesn't know what is going on. Stop in for a bit, smile, make some fake conversation and make an excuse to leave early.

I'm sorry. This just sucks and you certainly deserve better. And if it were me, I'd come up with a silly moniker using that "Nana" name. You know..something like Ann Nana. or Banananana. Because that's what it sounds like to me. We gotta keep laughing or we cry.


Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

I don't know what has happened but from the comments it's seems to relate to the parents of Presley - at least you did the right thing for her - love your creativity with the present..

DeniseinVA said...

Sad for you and understand how you feel. I hope the situation improves down the road. Loved the card and bag. That’s a beautiful gift too.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

You did a beautiful job on her bag and card. I am really sad about the situation you are in and you should be able to choose what she calls you. ((HUGS))

e said...

She will love those things and have good memories of the day and you. I am sorry you have reasons to be reluctant to go and that you have no choice in what she calls you.

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