Friday, September 15, 2023

sometimes it gets discoraging

This trying to lise weight thing is a real pain in the butt. I'm eating healthier (I think) and I've quit evening snacking. I eat things like this for lunch.
This is spinach, green pepper,  tomato,  cucumber and red onion and a couple croutons thrown on. 
The one day I got on the scale and was a total of 8 pounds down. The next day I was up a pound and the day after up another pound. It gets discouraging. 


Donna said...

Just keep's the same for me...

Lori said...

The salad looks delicious. Just keep at it. I think moderation is the key. It's hard though.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

salt can make your weight go up with water weight. check your calories, must be under 1200 to lose regular. some things are high in hidden calories, like dressing. did you use dressing?

Lin said...

After I was diagnosed with Celiac, my weight skyrocketed up 15 pounds! It was horrible...but I also knew that now my intestines were recovering from the damage that gluten did to me and my gut was healing. Anyway....I finally went on a controlled diet plan through my nutritionist and after years of up and down...I am finally down 20 pounds. I have 5 more to go. It is anti-inflammation and very limiting, but it works so it makes it easier to stay on track. It IS very hard to lose weight after a certain age. Keep at it. Just stay alert to portion control, limiting fruit, eliminating inflammatory foods like sugar, alcohol, and caffeine. It makes a huge difference.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So sorry. It can be very discouraging. I can jump up five pounds in just a day and then be back down. I am now eating a lot less and have lost a few pounds. I have to lower my cholesterol. You salad looks great.

Jeanette said...

It is discouraging! Hang in there!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It really is hard to lose. I exercise and eat right and I don't weigh any more. lol I just felt like it was making me feel bad when I went up a little. I can still wear the same clothes so I guess I'm OK! lol Take care! Protein makes you less hungry for snacks. Hugs!

Grace said...

Yup, yup Where's the protein. And always weigh yourself AFTER you poop...

HappyK said...

It's a never ending battle.
Try to get some exercise in if you haven't. That makes a big difference.

CheerfulMonk said...

Please don't get discouraged. And try to have some fun doing non-food related things.

DeniseinVA said...

It looks delicious! It is easy to get discouraged I know from my own experience but slow and steady and you will see progress. Like you I lost a pound and sometimes put on two. Now I only get on the scale once a week, unless I need a little booster to keep going if I feel myself sliding a little. It’s good that you are getting the support from blogging buddies.

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