Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Why I whine

There is a job that I have to do every single day that I absolutely detest doing. It's called the breakout. What it consists of, is pulling out a very large cart from the freezer with lots of boxes of frozen product. I need to go through every single box to find what I need to pull to bake the next day. These boxes weigh up to thirty five pounds. To conserve space, I often combine boxes which makes them even heavier. 

This is my cart.

The cart itself is a bit of a beast. It's heavy and awkward and isn't always easy to move even though it's on wheels. By the Time I'm done doing this job my back is always hurting. I complain all the time about how I'm getting too old for this. 


Ginny Hartzler said...

Good GRIEF!!! And how do you know what's in them? Or how to decide what to take off? It's not right that you have no one else to do this.

Terra said...

I would whine too, those boxes look heavy and hard to lift.

CheerfulMonk said...

Is there any chance you can talk to the boss and tell him your back can no longer handle that part of the job? That you need help with the physical part? Your back is precious and you need to protect it. You're not going to be able to do it forever so it might be better to start speaking up now. You need a robot to do the heavy lifting and pushing!

Donna said...

Can't the owner hire some type of warehouse kid to pull that around for you? Good grief Batman!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Whine On!!! that is a lot to whine about! you would be able to hear me from here if I had to do it. NO, Wait! I could NOT do it for sure...

Lori said...

I would whine about that too! Isn't there someone that can help with that?

Rose said...

Some of them look really awkward to wonder your back hurts! I would whine a lot, too.

Grace said...

That is one overloaded cart. An additional pair of hands (and back) is definitely needed!

HappyK said...

Does sound like a heavy and awkward job to have to do.
Seems like you should have some help with that.

Sandee said...

You need more than one cart. Oil the wheels too. That always helps. I hear you about your back. My back hurt just looking at this loaded down cart.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥

Jeanette said...

That does look heavy and awkward! Be careful!

DeniseinVA said...

Oh boy, you deserve a medal for tackling this every day.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Oh my word! I am so sorry you have to do that. It does sound like a lot of work for you to do.

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