Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Take the long way home.

On October 16th I made a run to Walmart to pick up dog food, a few other necessities and to just browse the store. It was my day off and it was rainy and gloomy. On the way home I decided to turn off on a road that I don't frequently travel. I was enjoying the fall colors.

Next I turned off that road on to a dirt road and took in the view.

I enhanced that last one a bit to bring out some of the color. Although looking at it now there isn't much difference.

And one more turn to take me back to the main road.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Gorgeous! I think the last one is my favorite. It looks like you live in the country.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so glad you did that!

DeniseinVA said...

It’s a lovely ride home. Such pretty countryside! Thanks for sharing the drive with us. BTW I found a delightful surprise in the mailbox. I mentioned what I found on my blog today 🎃 xox

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i would love to have a drive like this, i would have to drive and hour to find country side to ride through, miles and miles of buildings.. i can tell the difference on the enhanced. is that corn? before gas went sky high, every weekend we would take an hours ride. that was maybe 8 years ago

Lori said...

Beautiful pictures. It's looking like that here also and it's just gorgeous.

Jeanette said...

Always a good thing to stop and enjoy the view sometimes. I like taking the long way home sometimes!

Rose said...

I love taking back roads/different ways to go the same place. I would have enjoyed this drive.

Sandee said...

Such beautiful fall colors. We don't get that here. Wow.

Have a fabulous day and week, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥

HappyK said...

Worth going the long way home.
Beautiful scenery.

susan q said...

love fall pics in your neck of the woods!thanks for sharing♥

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Hi, I'm visiting from Denises'. Love the beautiful foliage in your area. I'm sure you are glad you took this ride among such beauty.

Lin said...

Ooooh! It's soooo beautiful! Thanks for taking us along for the ride. :) I find that we are taking the "scenic" rides home these days to enjoy the colors.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Thanks for sharing your pictures. We don't get many Fall colors in Southern California. Beautiful!

Debbie Nolan said...

Beautiful fall photos. Doesn't the gorgeous colors this time of the year just sing?? Hope you are having a great week.

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