Saturday, July 27, 2024

Bringing the outside in

 I don't know why, but I rarely cut and bring flowers inside. The way my hydrangea looked this year though I couldn't help but cutting some. I found the vase at Walmart for 50% off and it was only $3 or $5 to begin with.

These are sitting on the little table near my front door where I set my car keys. I see them every day when I'm leaving and again when I come home. 


Ginny Hartzler said...

They are so perfect that they really look fake!!!

Katerinas Blog said...

Very good idea!
They definitely cheer you up even a little every time you see them!! Have a beautiful weekend!!

Rose said...

They would make me happy every time I saw them...they are beautiful.

Donna said...

Wish they'd grow here...not much luck.
Gorgeous flowers!
Happy weekend!

Lori said...

So cheery and pretty.

MadSnapper said...

the vase is perfect for them. good job. I would do the same thing, except mine would be in a jar. ha ha

Pam said...

I love seeing my flowers outside when I come home or just walking around them outside. But If I have enough to have them outside, I also like cutting them and bringing them in. However, with cats, you have to be careful to be sure they don't eat on them or knock them over. Hydrangea are my fave flowers.

DeniseinVA said...

They're beautiful Ann, and such a great deal on the vase, veery pretty together.

DeniseinVA said...

Not sure if my comment got through. But just in case, lovely to bring your own flowers into the home, and the vase is a pretty one too.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

They look beautiful in the vase. You have so many blooms this year that it is nice that you are bringing some inside to enjoy.

HappyK said...

Those blooms are gorgeous. I don't usually bring cut flowers in from outside either. When I do they usually have bugs on them !!

Barwitzki said...

The colors of the hydrangeas are beautiful.
And yes, I don't usually cut flowers either :-)))

Ida said...

They are gorgeous. I don't put flowers out because the cats knock them over but that will soon change when we put up shelves that they won't be able to get on (hopefully). My poor plant took a hit over the winter but is doing well although I doubt it blooms this year.

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