Sunday, May 15, 2011

Explanation and info

My last post I talked about changes. Today lets talk about one of those changes I made, which was not leaving a reply to your comments here.
My main reason for doing so was it's easier for me to reply to an email than to go back and forth between my email and my blog typing comments. Yes, that is how I've been doing it, don't ask me why, I can't answer that. It also helps me to keep my in-box cleaned out rather than letting messages pile up (a very bad habit I have).
What got me started on this idea? Well I saw this image on the sidebar of Donna's blog Made in Heaven
I clicked on it and was taken to a post written on Jill Samter Photography. This post explains the reason for turning off word verification and how to do it. It also talks about turning on your email address so that your reply doesn't come in as " If you aren't sure if your email is turned on or not and you want or don't want it to be, I suggest reading this post. It will tell you how to check and change that option.

So will this save me time? Maybe, maybe not but the last couple of days have seemed to be a bit easier (no duh! it's the weekend) and my email in-box has been getting cleaned out and taken care of.

For now I'm just going to follow this path and see where it leads me.

Should I come to a fork in the road later on down the line, I'll figure out where I'm going to go from there.
Like I said yesterday "Anniething's possible"


GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

I wish I could turn off word verification but I run into problems each time I do. The first two times it was just advertisers but the last one was really bad. Not the comments but their link back.

Lin said...

I turned on WV because of the spam I was receiving. And so much of it was filthy AND stuck into my older posts. I'm not dealing with that anymore. Yuck!

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

I like whichever path you choose. They both beckon. "Anniething"... very cute.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Amen Sista!!!! I agree with all of this... Please tell your people that Blogger now has a spam filter and it works very well... They don't need to word verification...

It takes time... Another thing is when they make you type a word verification and then they say they STILL have to approve it... Gads!!!!!

One of my 'pet peeves' is people who use the embedded comment method instead of either the full page or pop up one... The embedded one takes so much longer WAITING --especially if you have to do the word verification....

Go Girl.... I totally agree with you...

Anonymous said...

I have never used word verification but I have always moderated comments. Since I'm home all the time it's no big deal. I installed Disqus because I like the give and take of comments. Some time comments are just as interesting as the blog post!

Catherine said...

I turned WV off quite awhile ago (1 year?) and so far so good.

Looks like a lovely path to be heading down my friend!
xo Catherine

Chatty Crone said...

Blogger does have a spam filter now - you may get them sent to you but they are not on the blog itself.

So which road are you chosing?

Unknown said...

Word verification may be a little annoying but without it there are several problems that you may run into. Firstly there is spam, then people listing endless websites without commenting at all, there is unwanted copy and pastes ... I've had several of those ... pages and pages all about Lilith (Adam's first wife - the one before Eve!). The main concern however, is the fact that a blog owner is responsible for what is published on their site. So if someone were, for instance to add something untrue then it becomes somewhat fuzzy as to whether you or the writer of a comment are legally responsible. Who wants the worry of that? It is so much easier to not publish the comment than to be hasitily reading every post you have ever written to see what additions might or might not have been added.

Lovely pathway .... but which way did you go? To the left or to the right?

BeadedTail said...

Every time I've tried taking off WV I get spam on really old posts daily. Maybe I'll try it again and see if the spam filter really does work this time.

Hope you took Duke with you on that path!

booahboo said...

whichever route you take... we will be behind you all the way :)

Philippa said...

Thanks for explaining this, Ann. I have changed the e-mail bit on my profile to make replying to comments easier. I totally understand why you have done this. blogging is great, but it does create a lot of work!

Unknown said...

I understand where you are coming from about this, and when it involves an article where no interaction is being solicited, it doesn't really matter. However, when it comes to articles that ask for a response, the comment section can become an extension of the original subject matter. Whereas, when these discussions are taking place through emails, no one else can read what is going on, nor add to it.

allotments4you said...

Well Ann...I will always be around reading your matter which fork in the road you take!!

Pat said...

I don't have WV but do moderate comments. Not really had any chopped meat :lol:
I answer comments on the blog though - after all that's where people left them, so it seems polite to leave them back in the same place.

Duni said...

I think I have WV off? Must check. Also must check out if my email shows up or not. If it were me walking along that path I'd choose to go left. Don't ask me why :)

Miawa said...

I've been lax again! Just dropping by to say hello. I've been dealing with mom, grandson and a family trip. Miss visiting you and I just wanted to let you know "I'm still out there".

Ann said...

Totally with you on eliminating word verification and comment moderation, and making sure email notification is turned on. Blogger's new spam blocker works well and I like making leaving a comment as easy as possible for readers. Once a day I check my spam folder and delete what's there.

You amaze me the way you reply to our comments. It's lovely of you, but I can see it must take up a lot of time, so whatever works to make it easy on yourself is the way to go.

Out on the prairie said...

I will have to check and see what I have going. I would walk staight at that fork, I always like off the beaten trail.

Tanyia said...

i hate word verification. The end. I do not have it on my bloggie, never will... if I ever get infamous enough to worry about spammers on my blog I will consider myself lucky!

Erika said...

I guess I am boring because I have only had spam on two occasions and that was a long time ago. But I think you need to do what feels good to you and I look forward to seeing what else you have up your sleeve!

Anne said...

I am the worst at word verification. Apparently I can't read nonsense and it shows when trying to retype verification.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the new spam filter works great, i turned my verification off about 2 month ago and i like when i go where it is not. so far i have had no spam get past the filter. it was in the past it was bad before the spam filter. i do not comment back to anyone that i can not reply in email, rarely i do but not most of the time unless it is a question someone might want to know the answer to. i am with you anniwhere you go with this

Bossy Betty said...

I agree with you about word verification!!

Russ said...

Nice pictures Ann. That is why I use Disque. I can answer my comments from my email account and it goes directly to my blog.

Sandee said...

I hate word verification. Sometimes my old eyes just can't make out the letters. Frustrating. I like your email approach. It's easier, but many blogspot folks don't do that. It's a shame.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Joanne Olivieri said...

You need to do what's best for you and I love the tree shots and your "cleverness" I bet Duke helped you brainstorm :)

Tammy said...

Thanks for the info! I have want to know how to get my email to show up and could not figure it out. I'm going to go check it out.

Rezervesana said...

Thanks for the beautiful photos !!!

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