Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It's all her fault

Little sisters are such instigators. Mine is no exception. I think some of you know Tanyia of Surviving Motherhood Barely. Yeah, that one. The super talented, overly crafty one. What you may not know about her is that she has an evil side that likes to tease people with an addiction.
She's been dangling links at me through the email. Links that lead me to my fix, my compulsion. I lose sleep at night because all I can think about are the projects that I could be working on.
One of those links led me here
For those of you who don't want to be bothered following the link I can tell you that it will lead you to a quilling blog and a post about jumbo crescent paper quilled earrings.
I like earrings but I'm not a fan of really huge ones. But I LOVED this idea and thought it would make a really cool pendant.
This is my version

I've started working on a third one too.
I got even with little sister though, two can play at that game. Knowing that she has the same compulsion that I do, I sent her a few links too.


Julie Harward said...

LOL thanks goodness for sisters..these are really pretty are so good at this! :D

Donna said...

Hahahaaa....wicked little Girl!
But... I Bet before the week is out You'll be making some Bling for Your ears!!

Asma’ AB said...

beautiful! know what ann, i feel the same way. at most of the night, the crafting mood always come as i get myself inside my blanket. the ideas keep coming! but i have to force myself to save the energy for tomorrow :P when i woke up, sometimes the ideas gone. LOL

Tanyia said...

I am not evil...just look at your creative genius it led to! :) I LOVE love love these, Ann. So super duper cute!!!

Out on the prairie said...

I always love your quilling.Wait you got me to try it out.LOL

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Oh! My ... you are sure creative Ann. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

jeanlivingsimple said...

I really like your pendants. They would make cool earrings. I love wearing big earrings.

Anne said...

Those are gorgeous and I think they would make amazing earrings.

Antonella said...

Pure evil she is... and you are no better!!!! Now I will be dreaming of projects to make as well - lol!

I love your crescents - GORGEOUS!!!!

Hugs, antonella :-)

Lin said...

Those are so darn cute! But what if you are caught in the rain? I wouldn't want them to get ruined. :(

Sheryl Hastings said...

Those are awesome! I like the purple one the best. You have to make some!

Rick (Ratty) said...

That's what sisters are for. I think you could get very many ideas from these.

gayle said...

I love them! Wow!

Sandee said...

Way cool. You are so talented. I loved your sisters comment too.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

booahboo said...

hahahhahaa.. sisters taking a challenge with each other is most healthy :) love this two that you did... you should... i repeat.. you should set up an etsy store one day. These will look good on cards :)

Helen said...

Those are great! now that you have the pendants you need the earrings to match them.
I felt the same way about wasting time that is why I stayed up late very night to make something and quilling is the best since it require no cutting which could make noises.

I am going to check out those link now.

Anonymous said...

Well you know what I have to say about it! Mmmmm...good. Yummy good. Delicious good. Especially the tear drop one.

(I finally took my "G" to the frame shop and should have it back in another week or so. The woman at the shop said I had very talented friends. I think it will be spectacular framed - I'll send a pic.)

Unknown said...

Pendants are probably better as larger earrings always seem to catch, or is that just me? Have you thought though that you could also make some excellent brooches - many fashion houses use them to clip onto handbags or hats which gives them a designer look. Ones like this could give a whole new dimension and at least they would not be heavy or awkward like some of the metal ones.
Gosh you have got me carried away now. Lol ... whatever next Ann, whatever next?

Ann said...

Sweet! Sister can come in handy sometimes, eh?!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ann, you are just SO talented... Love quilling --and yours is fabulous.... Thanks for sharing.

Laura @ live.laugh.photograph said...

those are beautiful ann! i need to check out paper quilling!

Bossy Betty said...

These are wonderful.

(Little sisters are the best!)

Jen said...

Those are SO cool! I have a brother, not a sister (but it's okay, as I can get into all sorts of trouble all by myself ;o)

Philippa said...

Oh, Ann - lovely, lovely ... these are GORGEOUS! Feed that addiction!

Unknown said...

My wife doesn't like her sister very much at times, as well. So, she might be willing to take out Tanyia if you would be willing to take out Leslie. Do you want me to ask her about it? Of course, Don Duke would have to give his blessing on a double hit like that.

Miawa said...

Oh can I relate! I'm the little sister in my family (LOL), my three older sisters can attest to the fact that I am an aggravating brat...The pendants are so cute - you are so clever.

Russ said...

Way to go Ann. Don't get mad get even.LOL Very nice quilling job.

Catherine said...

You put so much work and detail into your crafts Ann ~ amazing!!
Happy Thursday friend!
xo Catherine

Anonymous said...

Ha!!! Good for you...blam her back with the links!

Great the flower :)

Duni said...

I don't know...I always wanted a sister ;-)
The other night I was dreaming about your cards with the quilled flowers!!!
I think these pendants are GORGEOUS:)

Whimcees said...


Absolutely beautiful quilling! Beautiful!

Wishing you a happy day!


Barbara Diane

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you show her... these are really beautiful, and you can have different colors and change them out, a silver or black or gold chain and voila, matches everything. bet you can sell these... take them to work and let me know. since i have not one crafty bone in my body, did not go to the link. just don't send me any links to camera's are photography. wish i could find a link that made me want to get up now and do my housework

Anonymous said...

These ear rings are perfect for my wife but are probably a little to big and flashy for me :-)

Chatty Crone said...

Your relationship sounds wonderful - glad you have it - I love my sister too.

Erika said...

The results are stunning! I don't quite get how they will work but they do look wonderful.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

They are great! Your work is really neat too! I like the idea of a pendant ~ very cute for a summer T.

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

Very classy- They look professional.

tahtimbo said...

Those are incredible! It's just amazing that you can make those intricate patterns.
Awesome job!

Unknown said...

These are such a great pendants! Love them, Ann!

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