Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Back to the grind

Oh how hard it is to get up this morning and get dressed for work. Especially since I had the day off yesterday.
I had an early morning appointment and then the rest of the day was mine.
I made myself breakfast.
I read all of your blogs and caught up on email.
I laid on the couch watching TV.
I read and played some games on my kindle.
Of course I had the excellent company of a certain little white Westie. However he was not in the mood for pictures. He said he had just washed his hair and couldn't do a thing with it.


Sandee said...

Glad you had a great day off. I so remember dragging myself out of bed and getting ready to go to work. I'm sure glad I don't have to do that anymore.

Duke washed his hair and can't do a thing with it? Bwahahahahahaha. He's a funny little guy.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

tell duke I can relate, i am sitting here with my hair soaking wet and looking like something the cat drug in no one wanted. washed it and don't feel like using the blow dryer so am letting it Air Dry

BeadedTail said...

Duke, so your mom had a really good relaxing day and you had to get your hair washed? That doesn't seem fair! No matter how your hair looks, you're always cute!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Back from my longgg Hoiday break .... oh where's DUKE? Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

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Connie Girl said...

Going in to work is always worse after a day or two off and pure agony after a weeks vacation!
Glad your day off was relaxing.

Donna said...

Oh look comfortable!! It's nice to do just Nothing!!!

Carole Barkett said...

I agree it sucks going back to work after a day off.

Donna said...

Duke can be so temperamental! His hair? Really? Geesh. Love the l-o-n-g legs pose. And you are probably wondering how on earth you actually lived without your new Kindle. Am I right? LOL.

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

Glad you had some R&R- you look nice and chilled out

Marg said...

Oh no Duke, is your hair sticking straight up. Glad you had a really good day Ann. Take care.

Chatty Crone said...

You are right girl - it is so hard to go back to work after being off. Love, sandie

Lin said...

I think Duke needed a day off too. I get that.

Glad to hear you just relaxed. We all need to do that every once in awhile. But going back to work? Ugh!!! Blech! Boooo!

Sheryl Hastings said...

So glad you didn't forget about that little white westie! He probably likes your kindle because it makes you in a position where you can snuggle him more.

Reeni said...

I did even less than you yesterday! Sometimes I just have to otherwise I turn into Oscar the Grouch.

Helen said...

Sound likes you had a WONDERFUL Wednesday!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Yes---it's back to the grind for you --for sure. Hope today worked out okay and hope you weren't too busy.. I'm sure that Duke misses you when you are gone...

We have had rain rain rain today and last night.. Tomorrow --it gets cold and we are supposed to get some snow flurries... You????


Rick (Ratty) said...

It's always so hard to get up and going to work after a nice relaxing day like that. Time goes by too fast.

Catherine said...

I hear ya' sister!!! I have no motivation at home and at work since I got home from my vacation. I think I need a home...doing nothing! ;)
xo Catherine

Unknown said...

Been there. I lost the t-shirt to prove it, though.

marie said...

I had yesterday off too! We should have met for lunch!!
It's nice to have a "to yourself" kind of day. Mine involved a lot of cleaning....uninterrupted cleaning. That doesn't happen often.

I bet Duke's hair dries beautifully - can't picture him having a bad hair day!

Anne said...

That sounds like such a fabulous day! I would love to have a day to myself to do what I want. Now I'm jealous.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the day I thought I was going to have. Didn't quite work out that way though.

allotments4you said...

Sounds like you had the perfect day...everyone deserves a day just like this once in a while...well more often really but reality always kicks back in way too soon!

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