Monday, January 9, 2012

The rise and fall

We had a bit of a reprieve from the chilling temperatures. The other day it got all the way up to 53 degrees. Just seeing the sunshine was a little slice of heaven in itself.
Alas, what goes up, must come down. We have a couple days this week that are supposed to be in the 40's and then the rest is 30's and below.
Oh and the thermometer in the picture, it's totally useless. A cheap dollar store magnet that I just liked the looks of so it hangs out on my fridge.
I'm sending you all warm wishes and sunshiney days.


booahboo said...

We have quite a lot of sunshiny days now.. and the awful very very warm days are decending on us so very fast. The Chinese New Year heat is most unbearable... sometimes i just wanna hide under the bed with Dom where its coolest.

Hope you'll have some good sunshiny days your side :)

bichonpawz said...

Hasn't it just been crazy??? I don't even know how to dress these day it's in the fifties..the next in the thirties. Very, very strange weather! I guess it is happening everywhere though. My friend in Central FL says it was in the twenties last week! Yikes!

J. M. P. said...

We're having more or less the same weather here. What a lovely thermometer!

Unknown said...

We are going through the same ups and downs. For it was solidly in the 60's a couple of days ago, and starting this coming Wednesday, it's not supposed to get out of the 30's until sometime in August.

Jen said...

Our weather has been totally bizarre here too (we're all quite confused about the current season - or lack thereof).
Too bad you can't yank the thermometer and put a little poem in there or your last name or something. That would be cute ;o)

Duni said...

It's nothing but rain over here :(

Lin said...

If it ever gets to "winter" weather, boy, are we gonna be complaining!

Helen said...

I don't know if we should thanks the global warming for this ups and downs. I like the $ store magnet beautiful flowers basket.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i must say that cheap magnet looks expensive in your photo. glad you had a little sunshine in your life, hope the snow stays away and the temps rise. kiss duke for me

Anne said...

We have had warm weather too. It has been really nice. Since I hate snow, I am enjoying the lack of it this year. Of course, we have 2 months to go so things can certainly change. Here's hoping they don't.

Doris Sturm said...

You can have some of our warmth and sunshine, Ann. It's been a very mild winter so far. In fact, it looks like autumn. My tree out back has not even shed all its leaves...looks like fall. I yearn for some cold weather...maybe we'll get some later...I sure hope so! Have a wonderful day and give your Duke a big hug from me.

Anonymous said...

It was the same way here, and of course the really nice days were the days where I worked until 8pm and 9pm and didn't get to enjoy the weather at all.

Anonymous said...

I am loving the warmer than normal temps - I get to open the windows for an hour or two every day - Ahh - fresh air!

Sandee said...

It's really cold here at night and in the early morning, but the afternoons have been warm. Like in the 60s warm. We took our granddaughter school clothes shopping yesterday and it was amazing how many people were wearing flip flops and short sleeve shirts. No rain in sight either and that's not good.

Have a terrific sunshiney day too. My best to Duke. :)

Donna said...

Nice weekend here but now it's cold and rainy...but I'm Not gripeing about the rain!! Boy, we need it!

Marie said...

Cute magnet. It's warm and sunny here, too warm for me. I really would like to have four seasons.

BeadedTail said...

I'd love to see sunshine again! They keep promising it's coming but the fog just won't seem to lift. *sigh*

tahtimbo said...

Warm wishes to you, too :) We're currently in the 30's and lower 40's, but there's a chance we could head lower next week and maybe get some rain/snow (rain in the valley and snow in the mountains)!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

That's January ---at least for us here. Spring temps for awhile --and then someone opens the freezer door...

Overall though, we are having a mild winter this year... Let's wait and see what happens in Feb.


Tammy said...

The weather has been wonderful. No icy roads and the sun is out. Wonderful for January.

Chatty Crone said...

The weather this year to me has been almost shocking - nothing is as it should be - but I am thinking 30 is getting just about right for you! sandie

Sharkbytes said...

That is pretty, and wouldn't be too hard to make, with a better thermometer!

Marg said...

We would love some nice sunshiny days. All rainy here. Supposed to be cold again the end of this week. Love the thermometer even if it doesn't work. Have a great week even if it is cold

Reeni said...

It's been way too warm here! Winter is going to get back at us for it - I just know it.

Rick (Ratty) said...

Our temperatures will be dropping after tomorrow. We've had a very mild winter, and it was fun while it lasted. I like your thermometer even if it doesn't do the job very well.

Carole Barkett said...

Got the sunshine now hopefully it will come back to you

allotments4you said...

I think we would all like to see a little of that sun right now!

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