Thursday, January 5, 2012


It's been such a long time since I've made anything I've been itchin' to do something crafty. The other day I saw a tutorial for a ripple stitch afghan. I've tried these before and just could not get the patterns right. This one was perfect. It explained everything in detail and had pictures to show just exactly what she was talking about.
I've got my hooks

I've got yarn
But OH NO!!!!!!!! I didn't bookmark the website. I can't find it anywhere. I've been through my reader trying to figure out who's blog I found the link on and I'm having no luck. I went through my recently closed tabs, nothing. I went through my bookmarks, nothing. Why or why do I do that?


Anonymous said...

Did you check your "history"? Try Googling "ripple stitch afghan" and then I am out of suggestions..

marie said...

I'm sorry - I hope you figure it out.

bichonpawz said...

Could it be this one

I lose stuff all the time and would be lost without my friend Google!

Pat said...

hope you find it . Fingers crossed xx

Duni said...

That happened to me too on more than one occasion. I would try Grace's suggestion. Good Luck!!

booahboo said...

I am no good at all with the knitting but i wish i have your talent :) you are a most creative one. Usually... i look thru history.. and sometimes i manage to find the things i lost :) good luck and happy New year to you Ann... Duke and Wade. Sorry we have been away without much of a peep :)

Jen said...

Well, since I can't figure out why in the heck I do that to my doggone self, I'm pretty sure I have no business whatsoever attempting to address that particular conundrum.
Have a hug? ;o)

Lin said...

Oh no!! I do that stuff all the time--it is so frustrating. I sure hope you find it.

Keep us posted.

Connie Girl said...

Good Luck! I never have been able to do the ripple stitch easily. If you find the website I would love to see if it can help me overcome the ripple stumble.
The only trick I know is count, count, count. Even then I mess up.
Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Unknown said...

If I remember right, a ripple stitch is not required for a hangman's noose.

BeadedTail said...

Don't ya hate that when you're gearing up to do something and then run into a road block? Hopefully you'll be able to find it again though!

Out on the prairie said...

I was excited to see what you were making.Hopefully you find this again.

Sandee said...

Why do we all do this? I don't know. I'm pretty sure you're going to find the site again and then you are going to bookmark it right?

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it should be in your history, hubby loses his things and i find them for him in history. hope you find it, all that ready to go craftitis and nothing to knit.

Erika said...

Hopefully you will find the site again and you can get going on the new stitch.

Antonella said...

Oh no!!! That sounds like something I would have done... do you have your browser setup to delete all cookies and remove history every time you close your browser? I hope you can find it again!
antonella :-)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Gosh... I'm sorry, Ann. Hope you can find that website... Have you looked back at your history? OR---do you remember enough about it to remember a key word or two? You could search using that word or those words ---if you think of them...

Good Luck...

Marie said...

Hope you find the website. Looking forward to seeing what you knit. :)

Marg said...

Hope you can find it. Try googling everything to do with what you want to do. Maybe you will find that blog through your travels. I do that same thing all the time, but that doesn't help. Good luck.

Catherine said...

Oh drat....I hate when that happens! Hope you find the pattern!
xo Catherine

Donna said...

Dang it! I have a history function on this Mac, but I don't remember if a PC does. I hope you find it!

Tanyia said...

this is on your Pinterest this it?

Rick (Ratty) said...

I hope you end up finding it. Maybe one of the other commenters will have the solution.

Reeni said...

I HATE when that happens! Hope you find it.

Donna said...

Oooops...Check your "history". It'll be there!
Happy weekend!

Anne said...

Oh no, I hope you find it. Next time, print out the instructions before you close the tab.

crafty cat corner said...

Have you tried u tube.
I love to crochet and my husband has just started (don't laugh....) he intends to make a ripple blanket when he's finished his granny square one.

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

Dang! It really should be in your history unless you've cleared the cache since then. Nice hook case.

Chatty Crone said...

Maybe someone will see it and send you a note I hope - it wasn't me. Sorry. Hope you find it. sandie

allotments4you said...

that must be so annoying...and it's made me think about the teddy I tarted to knit early in 2011...I really need to ge back to my knitting before the weather warms up!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I'm just getting back and catching up with everyone after several illnesses and the death of a friend. So sorry about the fish tank, but gosh it makes for a spectacular blog post!!! I got our son a Kindle for Christmas, and I got the Kindle app on my iPad. Kindle features a 99 cent book each day!! And wait till you try all the apps! Have you tried Angry Birds?

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