Thursday, January 26, 2012

You have to sneak up on it

Duke knows how to make  me laugh. I've always found him amusing when he sneaks up on a toy you are holding.
He'll look at you, look at the toy and slowly creep towards his target

When he thinks he's close enough he pours on the steam and races in for the kill

Of course there is a little tugging involved before he actually wins his prize
He sure enjoys his toys


Pat said...

Love him. what a great hunter he is! xx

Unknown said...

None of our pups really like to play with toys, which is very disappointing. Although, Grayson, our little Yorkie, considers himself to be a professional paper-shredder, which could be profitable. For they ain't nobody taping back together what he has torn asunder.

Duni said...

Duke is such a cutie! He looks adorable sneaking up on the new toy :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

he IS enjoying to toy and looks like mommy does to. Jake likes to bring his bone and lay it in my lap, then he wants me to hold it tight so he can't get it out of my hands, he loves doing the same with sticks to me and to baby. i love the beginning of the pounce in that first shot and the shake it til i blurs next shot.

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Duke - it's important to keep those attack skills at peak performance ... Julep and Derby polished their attack skills yesterday on a fresh blueberry ...


Bossy Betty said...

The mighty hunter at work!!!

Dr Sonia S V said...

Oh how cute your Duke is. My Goldy is all play all the time and you should see the way he sits and wails if his ball goes under the cupboard and he cant reach it!!

Out on the prairie said...

Stealth fighter, so vicious and tough.

DSS said...

I love it! We've said it before, but I really do think Louis and Duke are distant cousins :) Louis does the very same thing. Thank goodness for our little westies that keep us laughing!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

What a cutie, Ann... Duke could probably entertain you 24/7, couldn't he? He's just adorable.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You captured the game well!! Gosh, he almost looks like a cat stalking something!!

Donna said... the Duke!

BeadedTail said...

Duke has a little kitty in him with that stalking of his toys! He's absolutely adorable and always makes us smile too!

Marie said...

Love the blurred photo! Duke is a wild boy when he's playing with his toys. :) So cute!

allotments4you said...

I used to love to play tug'o'war with my dog. It's nice to see Duke enjoying the game so much too.

Marg said...

Get that toy Duke. We know you can win that tug of war. You sure are a playful boy. Good for you. Take care.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

He is so cute...playing with his toy

Rick (Ratty) said...

It would be a pleasure playing tug f war with Duke. My dog is too big so she drags me all over the house when we play it.

Donna said...

hahaha, you like your toys too! At least Duke's toys don't require computer knowledge or electricity!

Antonella said...

what a cutie he is :-) the perfect hunter - lol
hugs, antonella :-)

Sheryl Hastings said...

This is a familiar sight in my house too! One difference, there's a yorkie at the other end of the toy.

Reeni said...

I didn't know dogs stalked like that! You captured it well. Just like Moon, except his toys are a lot smaller, he does the tug of war thing too.

Catherine said...

Maybe Duke has a little bit of 'cat' in him. ;)
xo Catherine

Chatty Crone said...

So cute the way he plays with you. sandie

Sharkbytes said...

Duke, the great rope hunter!

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