Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A time for renewal

I bet you were expecting some sappy inspirational post here weren't you? Well if you weren't then please just humor me.
The renewal that it's time for is my drivers license
Yikes, that means another horrid picture that I have to carry around in my wallet for 4 years. In all the years I have been driving I don't think I have ever once had a good picture on my license.

and now for a little humor
You know you're from Pennsylvania when:
  • You think the roads in any other state are smooth.
  • Hearing horses clopping down a paved street doesn't bring you to the window to see what's going on outside.
  • You can stop along the road to buy fruits, vegetables, or crafts on the "honor system."
  • You consider Pittsburgh to be "out west," and you know the fastest way to Philly is the Turnpike.
  • When it snows they put cinders on the roads instead of sand.
  • You can give directions to Intercourse with a straight face.
  • Driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with  snow.
  • You know the four seasons: Winter, Still Winter, Almost Winter, and Construction. 
  • Your idea of a traffic jam is ten cars waiting to pass a tractor on the highway.
  • You measure distance in minutes.


Marie said...

I know what you mean about the DL picture. I had one pic that I like because my son looked at it and told me I was pretty in it. I think I was in my late twenties in the photo. I should have kept it!

I'll have to show this list to a good friend of mine who is from PA. very funny!

Julie Harward said...

The definition of winter is just like that here..except for this year, we haven't even had any snow to speak of yet! Good luck with the picture. :D

Ginny Hartzler said...

A funny list!!! My family is from Pennsylvania!!! I don't mind the photo as much as the fear that I may not pass the questions or the eye exam!

Unknown said...

Yeah, I have tried to bring my own picture a few times, but the lady behind the counter has always said that the picture looked much more like Tom Selleck than it did me. Sigh.

bichonpawz said...

Good thing you don't live in NY! Our picture is good for TEN years! Yep. Ten whole years. I had to use it for an ID once and the guy almost didn't believe it was me! OK....so I gained a few pounds....sigh.

john bain said...

Pennsylvania sounds a bit like where I live. Except there's no intercourse here! Not that I can find anyway.:-)

Jen said...

Heh heh heh - don'tcha love it? I am convinced that there is a nationwide conspiracy involving the DMV and photographs. Actually, I wrote an expose on it about halfway down this lens:
Hope it's okay to give you the link. Smile big! (it won't help ;o)

Lin said...

The last time I went to the DMV, I had a great young guy who was letting me take my photo over when it was bad. He was hilarious and my photo turned out great--because he was NICE and PATIENT. IL Secretary of State made a HUGE overhaul of the employees and the experience at the DMV and it's nice going there. Well....as nice as that can be.

Good Luck! I wish you a FABULOUS photo!

In Chicago, we go by minutes too. It can take you 45 minutes to go 2 miles sometimes. Ugh.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

what makes me furious is bob always takes a good pic for his DL and mine is horrible. i might just grow a beard since i think that is the reason. i always look old and fat and scared, like it was a mug shot. i like all the PA things, but Bob makes fun of me because when someone asked how far is something i say 20 minutes or 1 hour or 5 minutes. he is from PA and said he never heard that until me. in the south everyone does that. here 10 minutes can take 10 minutes or 20 to 30, depending on the time of day or in the winter 10 miles can take half hour due to all the winter visitors fleeing the snow. good luck with your DL and the photo. we get ours for 7 years now which is great

booahboo said...

You got us there with the title.. hehehhehehehe... btw.. i always take awful pics for my ID and drivers licence... i never had a good one ever.

Marg said...

I have yet to have a good picture at the DVM. That Lin had the right idea. I lived in Ohio during my child hood so we understand all those great things about living in PA. Take care Ann and have a super Tues.

Anonymous said...

The weather description is pretty much the same as Vermont's except in Vermont they also have mud season. you live in the country part of PA, I live in the city part of PA - big difference tho I'm sure while you may get more snow your part of the world deals with it better!

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

That's a good one - I'm going to send it to my friend who is from PA - hope your photo turns out.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

We are due this year to get new drivers' licenses also. Fun Fun!!!!

Love the PA humor. The four seasons are GREAT....


Out on the prairie said...

funny stuff Ann, but that also means a B Day is near.

Sandee said...

In the early 90s I got my passport. Pretty good picture too. When I got my next passport in the summer of 2010 I looked horrible. Turned into an old lady in between passports. I've never had a good drivers license picture either. They just keep getting worse and worse.

You made me go check when I have to renew my license. September of 2013.

I loved all the You know you're from Pennsylvania when. Made me chuckle especially about the Intercourse. Don't know what you mean by that, but it made me LOL.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Reena said...

LOL ... and I always chuckle when I hear the name intercourse ... so glad I don't live there. But then, it would be fun to see peoples' faces when I tell them my town's name.

BeadedTail said...

Our DL's are good for 8 years so my photo sticks around a really long time! The list is hilarious but now I want to know how to get to Intercourse! LOL

tahtimbo said...

I love the one about the four seasons :)
I know what you mean about the pictures. If the picture comes out looking decent, I think it's mandatory for the DMV workers to make you take the picture again :)

Catherine said...

Haha you are too funny! Honestly, does anyone have a nice DL photo? And let's not even get started on the passport photo. Ha!
xo Catherine

Molly Smith said...

You are SO funny! Loved reading these although I know nothing about PA. The NAQG conference is in Franklin this year and I have been looking at flight price$. Haven't decided yet but sure do want to be there :)

Chatty Crone said...

You do know they are supposed to make you look bad - like a criminal - who would want to arrest or ticket a beautiful gal like you really are. Happy Birthday??? sandie

Sheryl Hastings said...

I had to get mine a couple years ago. The picture is aweful!

Love the humor. Traffic jams behind tractors. LOL I have that here all the time!

Rick (Ratty) said...

I hate when it's time to renew my driver's license. but I really like your Pennsylvania stuff. I've seen some of those horses clopping the one time I was in Pennsylvania, but it was a major event for me.

Carole Barkett said...

Love it but agree on the bad photos. Does anyone get a good one?

Ann said...

With you on awful driver's license pics... now they won't even let us smile so mine truly looks like a mug shot! Love the PA truisms.

Donna said...

PA interstate roads ARE made for removing all the fillings in your mouth. I can attest based on personal experience...

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

I usually look mad in my pix- probably because I am (at some inane rule or impoliteness or something)

Helen said...

What a coincident! I just renew mine a few days ago.

I couldn't help but lol on the straight face one.

Unknown said...

Hello Ann, How quick the days are already passing. I am fortunate as my current driving licence lasts, I believe until I am 70 then it changes to a ten year one that has a photo on it. My current one is a piece of paper .... How long do your licences last .. I know, I am forever curious - I think it must be one of the side effects of living with a cat! Lol!!

Oh speaking of cats .. currently in England there is a mystery (on today's news .. I will keep you infomed) They have found a freshly killed deer - a clean kill - all of the organs have been removed and they suspect a very large membe of the cat family - possibly a leopard or panther. They have taken some DNA evidence from around the wounds .... so we are now awaiting the results! Found a current article about it and thought you might like to take a peek: http://news.sky.com/home/uk-news/article/16147397

allotments4you said...

Good luck with the photo...maybe it will be a good one this year...will we get to see it??

I love the line about the potholes!!

Amazingly I live in the uk and a lot of what was written i found myself agreeing with!

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