Friday, January 27, 2012

jumping back in

It's been such a long time since I've done anything crafty. I've collected plenty of ideas and I've wanted to do something but I just haven't been able to get myself to start anything.
The other day I finally decided I would pick something and go for it. I bought yarn years ago to make an afghan but had sort of burned myself out on them before I ever got to it. I've been wanting to do a rectangular granny square afghan so I started that.
I'm not very fast making these so with any luck this should be finished by maybe April. My only problem is that I don't think I bought enough yarn and who knows if I'll be able to find the same colors.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Gosh, that's right! I haven't seen any crafts from you in so long!! And don't people craft more in the winter? Keep us posted on how it's going!!

Pat said...

Look forward to seeing it in April :)

allotments4you said...

I think April will be very quick in finishing the afghan. I started a teddy bear in jan last year...they usually take me a week or so to do but I still haven't got it finished.....really do need to get around to it!!

As for the colours...I think it will be great with some different colours in it anyway so don't worry too much. Good luck with getting it finished!!

bichonpawz said...

Many, many moons ago, I used to crochet. Today...I haven't a clue. I don't remember how to even start! Can't wait to see your finished project though!!

Jen said...

Nice to know I'm not the only one that putzes out on projects periodically ;o) You should be okay on the Red Heart stuff. Probably. Maybe...

I ran out of yarn 3/4 of the way through an afghan one time and it turned out to be a discontinued color. *sigh* I did finally find some after 3 days of searching online, but it felt an awful lot like a snipe hunt for a while there. Ha.

Erika said...

It is great to see you doing something crafty again! I am about to donate yarn to a local knitting group. I am so tired of buying things and never doing much with them. I think I could be rich if I kept my money:)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

might i suggest you make one the size that is perfect for master Duke? then he will be warm and you will not have to look for more yarn. or make worry dolls like ginny has on her site. there are instructions on making them if you google it. hugs from your non crafting friend who is only good for giving advice

Catherine said...

Well ~ that afghan could always be a scarf. ;)
xo Catherine

Unknown said...

You could make for Duke.

Helen said...

It is looking good already.

Marie said...

I think blue would look great on Duke! Happy Friday Ann!!!

Chatty Crone said...

I hope you find more yarn the same color it is beautiful - so you can crochet too. sandie

Anonymous said...

I started a blanket in July - still isn't done - nothing is as boring as crocheting, or knitting - Nothing! I think I'd rather watch paint dry...

Out on the prairie said...

Just keep adding contrasting colors and make it colorful.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Finding the same colors may be hard.. Is there a 'number on the package??? You may be able to order that one online... Just a thought.

That afghan is going to be gorgeous. Love those colors...


Donna said...

It's 'gonna be Beautiful! Enjoy! It's a restful hobby!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

It'll be beautiful sweetie, I can't wait to see the finished project!

Bet I don't have to wait 'till April.

God bless ya and have a great weekend!!! :o)

Pink said...

Red heart is pretty easy to find and rarely has dye lot problems. I imagine you would be able to find more, or just make it a lap blanket instead of a full size afgan!

Sharkbytes said...

Uh oh! Time to get creative on adding in another color early, or searching for more.

BeadedTail said...

It has been awhile since you've been crafty so I'm glad you're back at it! I still need to re-learn how to crochet (even though Grace says it's so boring!).

Reeni said...

Those are pretty colors! And it will keep you warm as your making it. Have a great weekend!

Sheryl Hastings said...

Glad to see you are back at it! I love crafting and I took a break after my divorce and I missed it terribly! That break took about 4 years! So glad I'm back.

Can't wait to see the finished April!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

YOu might want to return to be sure you get the same dye lot, sweetheart...a lesson learned...:)JP

marie said...

That's a nice color combo - come April you'll have a wondeful afghan.

I wish I could get back into crafting...I finally got motivated and took my Christmas decorations down last night! : (

tahtimbo said...

That sounds like a great project! Is it hard to make one? I would really like to do something like this, but I'm afraid it would be too hard to do. I figure I could do it while watching TV with the family (I'm trying to spend more time with them and less on the computer).

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