Friday, January 13, 2012


What is the most vulgar 4 letter word, beginning with the letter s that you can think of?
Are you afraid to say it out loud? Yeah, me too.
Here let me show you a picture and you can tell me if this is the same thing you were thinking of.

That's right, that's the s word and we're about to have it all over the place. This was last year in the parking lot at work and I think this might have been mild compared to what we are supposed to be getting. I've heard a foot. I suppose I shouldn't complain. At least it's not the 18 feet that Alaska got but still, I don't want this stuff.
I think it's going to be a hibernation kind of weekend.


tahtimbo said...

That looked like our town last year, too. I remember spending several hours last year digging out our driveway and frontage road. This year, we are high and dry. I'm hoping for rain down here in the valley and snow up in the mountains (where it belongs).
I hope the storm holds off until you're at home and can enjoy it from the comfort of your home.
Have a great weekend!

Out on the prairie said...

We got dusted with 1/2 inch and the town slowed down.

bichonpawz said...

We are supposed to get about eight inches which is nothing around here...we will probably hang out in front of the fireplace this weekend! Good Luck!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my goodness!! We are to get a little, but nothing like this! I hope you have lots of food and stuff! I want spring!! But wait...then there's tornadoes!!! I think this may be better, did you see about the tornadoes in N.C. on the news today?

booahboo said...

We are just getting rain and rain every evening.. i am missing all my walkies. If only my stupid cow will get up in the morning and take me for walks.

Snow seems like a good idea... but not as much as Alaska... it would be dreadful.

Hope you have a good weekend just being lazy and warm.

woofs n licks,

crafty cat corner said...

We have been really mild here in the uk this winter so far, but they are promising cold coming in and there is frost on the top of the cars this morning.
We have been known to get snow in April so theres still time.

allotments4you said...

Here's hoping you don't get that SNOW. Ann....stay warm and safe!

Unknown said...

We have a little over an inch on the ground here, which is plenty to me.

Duni said...

Ann, the weather people have predicted the same for us!! Oh no.

Helen said...

Really! I haven't heard anything like that here. So far we have had rain.

Chatty Crone said...

Is the word snow??? Ha ha - that looks so cold!!!!!!! Stay in and light a fire. Enjoy some tea and a book. sandie

Sandee said...

I was thinking of work, but snow works too. I don't want either. Just saying.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Sorry--but I think your vulgar word is so PRETTY.... I love snow --but as I've said, we don't get much down here.

We do have about 2 inches this morning --and it's 18 degrees. We have a big fire going in the fireplace so I'll just stay INSIDE and enjoy our snow from here. ha


MadSnapper n Beau said...

my friend in Wisconsin, calls your S word S*#&@# so this might fit what you are thinking. she will send and email and say don't say a word but I think S*&$%# is coming.

Lin said...

We got it too--about 7 inches. It's pretty and nice though--a little change in our winter world. Although I am going to miss all that spring-like weather. Wahhhhhh!

P.S. Hobbes is NOT happy with this snow either!

Lin said...

Ann--Did you see that you won on my blog??? I will be making a donation to the Bat Sanctuary in your name. :) I have your address from your Christmas card--is that okay if I use that?

Reena said...

No snow here thank goodness!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah - the *s* word - I never say it out loud...and if I hear someone else say it I wash their mouth out with soap - vile word!

Marie said...

I want snow, you don't want any snow. LOL! I hope you don't get much this weekend. Coffee or hot tea with a good book sounds nice. :)

Reeni said...

We still haven't had any! It's a miracle. Hope you don't get it too bad!

Rick (Ratty) said...

A foot of this sh..., uh, snow isn't a good thing at all. As you may be able to tell, I wasn't thinking of the same word. But your S word is worse than mine. I don't want to be covered in that stuff. I hope you don't get a foot of it.

Donna said...

It's beautiful to look at, but frightening to drive in, that's for sure! Hope you are warm and safe.

BeadedTail said...

Yuck, snow! I'm still on vacation in So. CA and it's been 75 and sunny! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm praying the s word skips us this year. I don't think I can handle it.

Sharkbytes said...

What's the best s word you can think of, turning the world into a wonderland where one can have varieties of fun?

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