Thursday, January 12, 2012

Tall Tale

Mom and I were talking last night and she was telling me a story.

She said that back in the old days she used to be a neat freak and super organized. She continued on to tell me about all the energy and ambition she used to have too.
My mom is one funny gal. I hope she didn't think I was going to buy that tall tale of hers. Organized? Does she think I was born yesterday or something. She cracks me up.
Heck, she couldn't even get a blog post ready for you. I had to do it myself. She keeps trying to tell me that blogger keeps changing her scheduled posts to drafts and that's why they have been posting late.  Don't tell her I said this, because I wouldn't want to hurt her feelings, but I think she's losing it.


booahboo said...

I think your momma needs a break.. and urmmss.. just laze around and have fun with yous.

we were wondering what happened to u guys too when we didn't see a post :)

Erika said...

I used to be super organized, kind of nerdy in a way. Now I seem to be working to get organized.

Take a break!


Catherine said...

I know how mom feels. It seems like as we get older everything changes and slows down. The good thing is though, as I get older I care less. Hahaha!!

Have a good day Duke!
xo Catherine

Anonymous said...

What happens is, after you click post options, and put in the scheduling info, if you go back and change or edit the scheduled post you have to click "publish" again or the post will get put into draft mode. I always double check by clicking "post options" again and making sure the scheduled date and time are still there. Another way to check is, after everything is the way you like it, go to the dashboard and click "edit posts" to see it if says scheduled or draft...

Lin said...

Oh, I'm glad it's not just me. I had that happen as well. Ugh.

Thanks, Grace, for the help!

Duke--It's tough to be the mom. I'm just sayin'....

Unknown said...

Yep, and it was awhile back, too!

Helen said...

You are so funny, Ann! After my daughter was born I gave up the neatness part. It was impossible to be neat with the three kids.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am also a used to be organized and a neat freak, not now. i just sit here and blog and blog and blog and email and email and the STUFF I need to do just sits there and multiplies. years ago it would drive me nuts, now it does not. you are in the in between stage where it still bothers you, another 10 years and it will not bother you at all. great photos of yourself Duke and you did a great post for mommy. grace gave good instructions, that is what i would have said but she did it for me.

Duni said...

I hope the Blogger issue gets resolved!
Duke, you're doing a great job helping your Mommy get organized ;-)

Julie Harward said...

LOL Oh my...I do love you Duke-a-licious! I have never seen a more handsome dude! Tell mom it's ok, I'm not going anywhere! ;D

Out on the prairie said...

i shared a pic with you of my organization.HA!

Sandee said...

I don't think your mom is losing it I think she's just doing too much. I do like it when you do posts though Duke. You do a really great job, but mom has to help. Just saying.

Have a woof woof day. My best to your mom. :)

Anne said...

I don't think mom is losing it. I think she is being sabotaged because when she has nothing to post, she posts photos of you. Everyone is a Duke fan.

Tammy said...

Duke I tell my Dexter the same thing Mom use to do so much more.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Duke, you are all groomed and so pretty today!!! I am looking for lost things as I write this, my organization has gone to pot!

Marie said...

Duke you are so wonderful to help mom out. Hugs to you! Tell your mom that I'm the same way. I call my home lived in and I like it! :)

john bain said...

I didn't even realise that it was possible to schedule publication!
You look good today Duke, did someone find the energy to groom you?

Rick (Ratty) said...

She can't be losing it if she lets a wonderful dog like you write posts sometimes.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Duke, Your mama is not unorganized... In fact, with all of her talents, I think she is VERY organized.

Tell her please that we have an inch of snow on the ground now --and it's still coming down. You all have anything yet?

Marg said...

Oh Duke that is such a good picture of you. Our Mom has never been organized so don't feel bad Duke. We think your Mom does a great job at everything she does. Take care.

Reeni said...

That sounds like me too Duke! I am super unorganized now. Maybe Mom and I both need a vacation?!

Leeuna said...

And you did a fine job filling in for your mom, Duke. But, what is this "organized" that you speak of? I don't think I know what that word means.

Donna said...

She used to be organized BEFORE you, Duke. Mmmm, methinks you need to connect the dots...

tahtimbo said...

I used to be very organized and I use to keep the house spotless. As you can see, the key words are used to :)
Now, I'm lucky to get the dishes done on time. That reminds me, it's almost 10:30 and I still haven't done them. Rats, and I thought I was doing so well today :-)

allotments4you said...

Duke....there was probably a time when Mum was organized...and maybe one day she will regain those organization skills...then again maybe she was just telling you a nice bedtime story!!

Anonymous said...

Blogger isn't very dependable at all. I don't trust them, everytime I've used them to blog-they've done something that makes me question the company's integrity.

All4UrPet said...

Adorable pup! I'm sure your mommy is fine... she does what she can in the time she has! Doesn't mean she's losing it... ;) Hope you and your mommy get organized real soon!

All4UrPet Representative

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Chatty Crone said...

I'll never tell her - yet I am in the same 'losing it' club! sandie

Carole Barkett said...

Blogger seems to be giving a few people trouble but we don't mind if Duke posts

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