Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hibernation part 2

I forgot to finish my weekend of hibernation so I'm going to give you part 2 today.
Sunday morning the snow finally stopped falling. When daylight hit it was a bright and beautiful day.

It was the bluest sky I have seen in a long time. The sun was shining and the snow in my back yard was sparkling like a diamond.

So why exactly is it that something so pretty has to be so cold?


Ginny Hartzler said...

The colors in your photos are wonderful! The deep bright blue and white sparkling white snow. It must have washed everything clean and new!

Rick (Ratty) said...

I've always wished snow was just a bit warmer too. I guess nobody would ever want to go inside if that was true though.

bichonpawz said...

What beautiful images! I hate the cold weather too...and the snow. It is nice to look at...but that doesn't mean I actually like to be OUT in it!!

booahboo said...

Most beautiful day to be out with the camera.. minus the cold :D the bluest skies.. a wonderful day for a photo op :)

we don't have them snows here... so we can only dream of snow... even without snow.. we are in hibernation mode.. hehehe

Jen said...

See, what you need to do is go for the virtual snow (like me). The white stuff on my monitor is not cold at all, but it sure is purrrrrdy ;o)

Unknown said...

Alas, there is nothing so beautiful as freshly-fallen snow, and nothing so ugly as a pile of it, mixed with grit and grime.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so beautiful and you captured the cold because i am shivering and no wonder you don't want to walk... not me sister, no walking in snow and cold. wish i could send you sunshine.

Helen said...

It sure is beautiful photos! I guessed everything short off came in a package that can't be pick and choose.

Bossy Betty said...

Just beautiful to look at, anyway!

Out on the prairie said...

It looks like that here today, I haven't went out yet.

a paper {life} said...

it looks beautiful Ann {from inside the house with a glass of wine}

Marie said...

What a gorgeous day! I would be out having a snow ball fight. :) You need a little Florida and I need a little Pennsylvania. :)

Reena said...

Beautiful but glad it's there and not here!:)

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

I love to see the sparkling snow! Magical!

Sandee said...

It is pretty, but it's so very cold. I'll pass on the snow.

Have a terrific day and stay warm. My best to Duke. :)

Anonymous said...

It is pretty but I'd rather look at photos of it than see it outside my window!

allotments4you said...

I love fresh snow...I don't even mind that it's cold...but I hate it when it starts to melt and goes all slushy and dirty!!

Anonymous said...

That's usually what it looks like up here in Canada where I'm t, but everything is melted! I love the cold blue sky and white everything else!

Thanks for sharing.
Ciao Bella

Your newest follower


Chatty Crone said...

HAHA - good answer. Like an oxymoron! sandie

Lin said...

Well, I don't think it sparkles that much unless it is cold. It's the price we pay for beauty.

It's not that cold here, but folks are starting to complain. Really??! I mean, it's been 55 degrees until now?? If it is negative 3, I still say we have been lucky!

Anonymous said...

It does seem that the prettiest days are the ones with snow and ice on the ground.

Erika said...

I was just wondering why something so beautiful had to cause so much headache for folks.

As to your comment on my blog today. I can imagine it would be hard to stick to any kind of eating plan since you work around food!

BeadedTail said...

We have snow here too and I sure don't like the cold part! Your photos are lovely!

Donna said...

LOL, now don't make me explain science to you! Just enjoy the beauty!!!

Julie Harward said...

We have the cold but no snow...share a little will you?! :D

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Yes, Ann...It is gorgeous but I agree. When it is so darn cold, it's hard to enjoy it. Love seeing that blue sky with the snow on the ground.

Antonella said...

If is weren't so cold you wouldn't be able to hibernate - lol!!! Great pictures...
Hugs, antonella :-)

Reeni said...

Hope all that sun melts the snow and leaves those pretty diamonds behind!

Whimcees said...


Asking the same question! Beautiful photos - thank you for sharing! Wishing you a happy day!


Barbara Diane

Nessa said...

Oh gosh, the weather here has been scorching lately. I want snow!! That is truly a stunning pic, so serene.

Sharkbytes said...

Really beautiful! I know you aren't so fond of it, but the white houses and snow and blue skies look great.

Catherine said...

I wish I knew the answer to that. Pretty indeed. But why does it have to be so cold???
xo Catherine

marie said...

It sure is pretty...and it sure is cold!!
Love the diamond snow!

Kathleen said...

Beautiful pictures! We have been spared thus far on Long Island. A little dusting and icy spots tonight, but warmer tomorrow!

Tammy said...

I like you picture of the sparkle in the snow. I have tried to get that and could not get it. We don't have much on the ground right now but any minute the snow is going to be flying. They say 3 inches tonight.

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