Friday, January 20, 2012

donut beat all

Yes you have seen these yummy little morsels on my blog before. I'm not here to discuss my somewhat compulsive overindulgent behavior.
Yesterday morning at work I noticed a man (frequent customer) standing in front of the (self serve) donut case. No one else was around and I couldn't figure out what he was doing so I watched. I noticed he was eating a donut. When he finished he grabbed a bag and I saw him put two donuts in it. I ran up to the front of the store and told the cashier what he looked like and what I saw and asked her to let me know how many donuts he said he had. Sure enough, He told her two. Apparently he had forgotten the one he had already eaten. Can you believe the nerve of some people?
I frequently see customers walking through the store eating donuts and I often wonder how many of them actually pay for them. Do they really think that we serve coffee and donuts for their shopping pleasure?


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Why can't people just be honest????? There's too much dishonesty out there in this world... A friend of mine who owns a business has to have all kinds of safe-guards in place when he hires workers.. He said they'd steal from him if they could... Sad, isn't it????

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh gosh. Some people will eat grapes and fruit in the produce section, too. My son works at the Little Debbie company!

BeadedTail said...

I'm too chicken to even attempt eating a grape let alone a whole donut! That's just crazy! Maybe you should have got on the intercom and said "the man wearing _____ and carrying a bag with two donuts needs to pay for the one he ate!"

Julie Harward said...

I am not surprised, every where we look that is what we integrity! ;/

allotments4you said...

I guess this is the sort of thing that happens all the time....I too wonder how many doughnuts don't get paid for on a daily basis so how much profit goes straight down the toilet!!

Jen said...

I've seen people do that before too, and I would bet you my last dollar (except I already spent it ;o) that if you pointed out it was shoplifting they'd look at you like you were crazy.

Maybe there should be a little saying for it along the lines of "You break it, you buy it." How about this: "You partake of it, you pay for it". Ha.

Anonymous said...

I think that's called stealing or shoplifting or something like that. Perhaps people should be weighed upon entering the store and when leaving.... just in case they have eaten the evidence.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love the comment about being weighed, ha ha on that one. i have never seen anyone do this, but it does not surprise me at all. last week i pulled out a pair of shoes to try on, walked over to sit down, took off my shoes, opened the box and inside was a dirty old pair of tennis shoes, someone put on the new and left the old. 25.00 shoes at Wal-mart. taking the risk of jail time for a pair of shoes. i do so love these donuts, but for the sugar that covers me when i am done

Grampy said...

It is hard to believe what people will do. It is a crazy world.

Unknown said...


Donna said...

SAME thing when you see people eating the fruit!! Makes me so Mad!

Erika said...

Humpf. Some people have no class. Or sense.

Marie said...

I'm not surprised! I see food items often at stores where someone eats half a package and and then just leaves it. I try to not let this stuff bother me, but it does!

Anonymous said...

As to the remark about the fruit - yes and no. If I am going to be paying a premium price for grapes I want to know if they are pucker producing or not. I don't do sour grapes - in any form. But a whole donut - that would be a definite no-no. Sometimes we snag a candy bar and eat while we wait and then put the wrapper on the conveyor belt so we get charged for it - We've done the donut thing and had the cashier look at us funny when she counted 5 and we told SIX...

Chatty Crone said...

You mean the grocery store is not there for our pleasing? Sheesh. That is awful.

By the way - I heard Little Debbie's - the company was in trouble!


Molly Smith said...

Now I want a donut! :)
I suppose you will be watching him every time he comes in now. I don't know how people justify this in their minds. Buy two, get one free? Amazing!

Have a great weekend, Ann! xo

Tammy said...

I'm shopping there free coffee and donuts yum :). I couldn't do it I would know I was doing wrong and brake out in hives. His man I guess doesn't have that problem.

Sharkbytes said...

I've been known to sample a grape to see if the batch is sour, but eating a whole donut without paying seems pretty dishonest.

Catherine said...

It makes me so mad when people think these 'little indiscretions' are no big deal. Honestly. Karma will get him!
xo Catherine

Lin said...

That's gross on so many levels. I can't go to buffets because I can't stand to see people shoving their pie-holes full of food. Yuck.

Shoppers are so brazen these days, aren't they? They know that stores have a percentage of loss so they take advantage of that. But what that does is just drives up the cost for all of us. Ugh.

Pig. Hope he choked on it.

Sheryl Hastings said...

The nerve of some people! I doubt that he forgot he ate one.

Reeni said...

There was a man eating out of the bins at the Natural Foods store the other day. He came in, munched out for a few minutes and left. He didn't even buy anything. So gross. What the heck is wrong with people?!

marie said...

Sad but true! I just don't understand people at all!

Anonymous said...

I'm always a little surprised when a customer comes through my line and tells me that she (or her kid) ate a donut while shopping. Not surprised that they ate it without paying...but more that they actually were honest about it.

Helen said...

May be that was why he is a regular shopper there. Don't the store has video camera?

Donna said...

There are so many idiots out there...

Hey, did you know that Little Debbie goodies are made about 60 miles south of where I live?!

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