Friday, December 16, 2016

White knuckle

Yesterday morning was a most unpleasant drive. It was snowing, it was blowing, I was driving through a wall of white. There is nothing scarier than driving down the road in white out conditions. Especially when it dies down and you discover you are driving on the wrong side of the road. As I write this to schedule for Friday morning I hear it's supposed to be more of the same.

Work should be a fun day. It's our Christmas party. We have it in the back room. Everyone brings food to share and gifts to exchange. We all eat on our breaks or lunches or each and every time we happen to walk by the food table. We'll also be having an ugly sweater contest this year. I'll be sure to get pictures of that.

For now just a little something seasonal


Ginny Hartzler said...

Awesome decorations! I can't wait to see pictures of the party! NO one should have to drive in conditions like that! Surely no one in their right mind would drive to the bakery to buy sweets!

crafty cat corner said...

The snow can't be much fun but at least you are still able to go to work. I think you cope much better than we do over here with the snow, over here everything comes to a stand still when we get a bit of snow, we just aren't used to it.
Know what you mean about not being able to throw any craft stuff out, when I depart this world my kids are in for a surprise and god knows what they will do with it all as none of them are crafters. lol

Duni said...

Snow, who needs ?! Drive safely and have a fun Christmas party! Can't wait to see the ugly Xmas sweaters ;-) Those tags are so cute!

Christine said...

Have a fun party and safe travels!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the tags/ornaments.. they would be pretty on presents or hanging on a tree.. stay safe and I hope the snow doesn't ruin your party. we used to do that to. eat all day long...

Out on the prairie said...

Love that smile on the snowman. Was shocked I didn't win a prize for my ugly sweater party Wed, it was a White Stag.I ate until the cows came home and then took a friend out to a pizza buffet yesterday. Had to eat a few chips at midnight while reading in bed. LOL

Grace said...

When I saw the title I just knew - glad no damage done but white-outs are frightening and for it to clear and be on the wrong side of the road? OMG - Have fun at work (for a change).

Marie said...

hope you have a lot of yummies at your party! ugly sweater contest sounds fun! can't wait to see pics. :)
the snow sounds so scary! I feel for you! we're still getting adjusted to ice and snow here which is nothing compared to your weather.
did you make these tags/ornaments? I've seen some things made by burning into wood..really cool.
stay safe!!

Sandee said...

I know that kind of driving. It's been years, but it's scary. Like driving in dense fog only worse.

Have fun at the Christmas party. I'll await the pictures.

Have a fabulous and safe drive to and from work. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

BeadedTail said...

Glad you made it safely and hope you did today too! Our town shut down when the first snowflake flew Wednesday! That's one of the benefits of living somewhere that rarely gets snow. We drove through blizzards in Kansas and Colorado but out here no one goes out in it. The tags are cute and so is that snowman!

Hootin Anni said...

Ugly sweaters?!!! Oh do....DO get those photos up to share here with us!!!

Donna said...

You're a fantastic employee is all I have to say! Just WOW!
Glad you're safe!

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