Sunday, June 30, 2019

Across the border

The Pennsylvania state border that is. My daughter and I went out to eat and we crossed the border into Ohio. I've heard about a place called White Turkey Drive-In for ages. It's been there since 1952 and everyone always raves about it. I've never been there until yesterday.

You can sit at the counter that surrounds this or there is lots of picnic tables set up in the back. We chose to sit out back.

Amanda had the large Marge which is a turkey sandwich with bacon and I had a fish sandwich and onion rings.


Ginny Hartzler said...

So how was it? Did it live up to it's expectations? How far away is it; will you return?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am howling with laughter at Ginny's comment. make that Ginny's questionnaire...waiting to hear how it was, as expected, how far is it, are you going back. brahahahaha.. more blog fodder. it looks delish from here... glad you had an outing with Amanda

Rose said...

Oh. My, onion rings sound so good... is that bad for this time of the morning?

Connie said...

How fun a day out with your daughter and a new place to eat.

CrystalChick said...

I'm glad you got to finally go there. Looks good! Onion rings and french fries are no friends to my hips and belly... but OH SO YUMMY.

BeadedTail said...

Oh I love onion rings! Hope you enjoyed it after you heard all about it. Fun day out with Amanda either way!

Sandee said...

I'm guessing it was very good? Sure looks good.

Have a fabulous day. Tomorrow is a day off. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

NanaDiana said...

Don't you just love places like that!?!! I am assuming it was really good or you would have said otherwise. My home state is PA. xo Diana

Pam said...

Oh yum. I enjoy finding new places or in your old place but new to you.

Ann said...

it was good. I wouldn't say it was to die for but it was very good. It's about 15 miles away from my house and I think I would go back again.

Ann said...

They aren't friends to my hips and belly either but we called a truce so I could eat

Ann said...

onion rings are my favorite.

Ann said...

It wasn't to die for but it was good.

Ann said...

It was good. I had no complaints. I didn't realize you were from PA.

Ann said...

Yes, it's oldger than me and I've heard people talk about it for years but have never gone

Buttercup said...

Looks yummy! Now I've got a craving for onion rings. Happy July!

Azka Kamil said...

nice article..
thanks for sharing :)

Reeni said...

That looks yummy! Love places like that! They must be closed during winter. :)

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

what is interesting besides the food - is the mention of crossing a "border" into I guess a neighbouring state. Living in a small country like my own - we do not have such area, although we do have "islands" but they aren't day trips unless you live close to either Wellington, Picton or Bluff...there are smaller islands that are sometimes just like a suburb from a main city i.e. I'm in Auckland and you can take the ferry to Waiheke Island (& many do as commuters)

Ann said...

Yes, I think they are open memorial day through labor day

Ann said...

Yes, the border was the state line between Pennsylvania and Ohio. Using the word border sounded better for a title than state line

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