Saturday, June 8, 2019

Is it froggy in here?

You may have heard that froggy went a courtin' but it just isn't so. He's hanging out in my front yard and he's as happy as can be.

This was a birthday present from one of the girls at work. It took a while for me to get him outside but he's finally there.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I LOVE IT. my mother would want it! a singing frog bird house, how awesome. what a great gift.... and he/she looks happy to me

Marg said...

That is such a great froggy. We like that a lot. Ann, have a great weekend.

Pam said...

Oh I like Mr. Froggy.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

He's adorable!

The Feminine Energy said...

Ohhhhhh.... how darling, Ann! Don't you just love it when people buy you things like that.... and every time you see it, you can think of them & their kindness? Warms my heart, I tell ya! Love, Andrea xoxo

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my gosh, he is ADORABLE!!! I want one. And soon you will probably have babies.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

definitely adorable and out in the wildlands where frogs should be...

CheerfulMonk said...

What a sweet gift! ")

peppylady (Dora) said...

What a darling item.
Coffee is on

Rose said...

Oh, my! I want one! He is too cute for words.

Reeni said...


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