Saturday, June 15, 2019

It was a busy Friday

Of course it started with going to work. Aside from the usual work I had a cake order to do. Let me start by saying this is NOT one of my better cakes. The customer was happy with it though so I won't fret over it. They had asked for paw prints, a mop and a broom. The writing was supposed to say "We will all miss you Amanda  but mostly Ashley"
I got all the writing on and realized I left out the word all. I had two choices. I could scrape it all off or leave it and hope the customer was OK with that one little word not being there.
Next came the bucket. After I put that on I couldn't help laughing at how hideous it looked. OK then came the broom. Well obviously the broom looks more like a rag mop. Finally some paw prints that look a bit odd but they are what they are.

The picture was taken with my cell phone that takes really bad pictures ever since I scratched the lens.

When I got home from work I had to make a quick trip to the borough office to pay my water bill that I almost forgot about then it was back home to mow the lawn. Once that was done I made myself some dinner and cleaned up the kitchen. I never should have laid down on the couch because that instantly made me fall asleep.

After the response to yesterday's post, I'll work on putting together another one showing the rest of how I make those flowers.


crafty cat corner said...

I think the cake is great. Trouble is sometimes we are too critical of our own work.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i think you did a great job on the bucket and mop, mine would have been a blob. actually i like it better than with the word all... i assume Ashley is a dog... i had no idea the strange things people ask for you to do on cakes? at least they are strange to me.. the cakes i have bought were just traditional with a name added. good thing you are an artist and creative. waiting for more on the flower process

Sandee said...

I think the cake is perfect. If they are happy then you did fine.

Have a fabulous day off, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Rose said...

I think the cake is great! I see nothing to complain about...I think we as customers are just happy and grateful that someone has the talent to do them.

Ann said...

Thanks. I'm very critical of my own work but I suppose so long as the customer was happy that's all that matters

Ann said...

Thanks and you're right, the customer being happy is all that matters

CheerfulMonk said...

I love the cake, and the picture turned out just fine. I laughed about you falling asleep when you lay down on the couch. I don't even have to lie down, just sitting will cause me to doze off. :D

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

me too "love the cake" - hardly anyone would have noticed the small mistake, for by the time they got to the cake, it would have been in slices or even wolfed down...

Ann said...

I've fallen asleep sitting up as well. If you're tired enough it just doesn't

Ann said...

Thanks. I'm sure you're right about them not noticing.

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