Saturday, June 29, 2019


A while back I took some pictures while wandering around the yard and one of them was of them yarrow growing in my front yard. I can't rememer who I was talking to but I had said that I would try and remember to get another picture of it when it flowered. Well the other day I finally remembered.

This used to be a huge patch of it but this is all that's left now

Here's a close up of the flowers. I had a hard time getting a good one because of the sun and there was a breeze that kept moving the flower every time I snapped


Ginny Hartzler said...

BOTH of these are Yarrow?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

those tiny little flowers are exquisite and in the first shot I thought the flowers were white, in the 2nd i can see they are blue. do you get butterflies with these? we have no butterflies this year because we have no flowers. we have 2 hibiscus bushes with a few flowers and that is it and i forgot to buy wild flower seeds like i did last year.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

enjoy your day off. do you work on 4th of July and then get another day off next week?

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Beautiful! Every time I try to get photo of flowers in the yard the wind is always blowing because we are at the top of a hill.

Marg said...

That is such a pretty flower. Love the blue coloe. Have a most wonderful weekend.

Rose said...

The close up you took looks blue when I first glanced...then realized it was in the shade! I must still be half asleep! I need to look up 'yarrow'...I have always heard of it but know absolutely nothing about it.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

I love yarrow. Have grown it before. Those tiny, lovely white blooms.

Grace said...

I think we are all noticing the (perceived) change in color - I do love the blue shade. I too looked up yarrow and it does come in a lot of colors - it's quite pretty, I always thought of it as a weed. But since I don't garden and as long as weeds are pretty I say let them live long and prosper!

Sandee said...

I've never heard of this plant before. Very pretty.

Have a fabulous day off, Ann. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

CheerfulMonk said...

Yes, enjoy your day off! Which day do you get off for the fourth?

Ann said...

yes, this is actually the same plant but the lighting is different on the two pictures

Ann said...

They are pretty but the color is actually white.

Ann said...

Yes, the color is actually white but the second is in a different light and then I tried to fix it but I should have just left it. Yep, I'm ok with weeds if they are pretty too.

Ann said...

I hadn't until someone gave this to me. For the longest time I could never remember it's name

Ann said...

No days off for the 4th. I work that day but not a full day and then I work all my other regular days.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

those are pretty - and close up more so... hey may be you could print on to something sturdier and create a brooch or similar...

Reeni said...

I love these! They seem to grow wild all over here. Or maybe they were once planted and spread. I remember picking them when I was a kid.

Pam said...

Never grown that. Pretty. I need to get out and finish the bed I started and finish ripping down the old one next to the shed. Its either been really hot or raining all the time.

CrystalChick said...

Very nice plant, and so pretty close up! I used to use dried yellow yarrow in floral projects many years ago.

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