Sunday, June 23, 2019

The good with the bad

In order to balance everything out you need to have a little bad to go with the good.

My approval finally came for my glasses. The place where I'm getting them said the measurements they took were wiped out of their computer. Instead of one trip to go pick them up now it will be two. One to remeasure and then another to get the glasses.

The laundry is done and folded. I discovered I left a tissue in one of my pockets and had little bits of white tissue all over my clothes.

I have material and ideas for craft projects. I have no ambition to do them.

I have a job that  pays my bills. I don't want to go today. Yes, that wimpering you're hearing is me as I go off to work today.

But look, I'm still smiling.


crafty cat corner said...

The loss of your husband is still with you Anne and I think you have been wonderful to keep going like you have. I'm sure your craft mojo will be back soon. Nice photo.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I agree with Briony, your mojo will return, the upset with the glasses probably killed the craft mojo. you look wonderful, love your hair at that length and wish mine was that color not my salt pepper gray.. I had the tissue issue a couple of times and why is is always when there are dark clothes in there, my black shirts had to be re washed

Grace said...

Most of the time there is an upside to the downside - I emphasize 'most'. Heaven knows I'm no pollyanna (stop smirking!) but there is usually something to laugh about, or shrug your shoulders about and some things that just are *sigh*

Connie said...

Life is filled with ups and downs. We'll be waiting to see a photo of you with your new glasses . . . and another smile, of course :)
Have a sweet day.
Connie :)

Sandee said...

I think you're doing very well under the circumstances. You have many that love you, Ann and we're here for you.

Have a fabulous day. Tomorrow is a day off. ♥♥♥

Rose said...

It doesn't sound like much whimpering...just a statement of facts. I do that every so often with kleenex or paper least half the time it is from Roger's pockets. Fun times---NOT!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Glad the approval went through. Sorry they lost your records. Mark often leaves a tissue in a pocket!!! Love your photo.

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a beautiful smile you have. I LOVE that you posted a current picture, you are so pretty! I love your necklace, also. Isn't it annoying to leave tissues in pockets? We take the clothes outside and shake them hard, that is usually the only way that works well. Can't wait to see the frames you chose!

The Feminine Energy said...

You are BEAUTIFUL, Ann.... both inside & out. I love your outlook on life & have ever since I "met you" here on your blog. Keep on keepin' on, girlfriend. Love, Andrea xoxo

Lin said...

Crud. I hate when things like that get messed up. Seems to happen more and more as people just don't care like they used to. I am excited for you to get your glasses. Now you will be able to SEE and HEAR better! Whooohoooo!

I've done the tissue in the dryer thing. More than I can stand. Joe is forever tucking a little tissue in his pockets....and yes...I do too....but I always blame him when it is found in the dryer.

Hang tough. Today is a rough day, but tomorrow will be better.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Love that picture of you dear Ann. Today is almost over, and tomorrow will be another gift to enjoy.

Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

Ann said...

Thanks Briony. The mojo has been back but the last few days I just haven't felt like doing anything

Ann said...

Well they do say that every cloud has a silver lining and I'm all for looking for the silver.

Ann said...

Thanks Sandee

Ann said...

Aww, thanks. I don't wear much jewelry but that necklace is a favorite. I bought it from a lady who was set up next to us at the craft show we used to do

Ann said...

Aww, thanks. The older I get the more I realize that you have to look for the positive things in life because those are what keep you going

Ann said...

Yep, me too. I wouldn't mind so much if it wasn't a 30 mile trip but then it did give me an excuse to browse the craft stores too.
I wonder if I can blame Gibbs for the tissues in the laundry

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

agree with so many isn't always a bed of roses for sure...but as FlowerLady comments, "tomorrow is another day..."

Ann said...

So very true. Focusing on the ups in life make the tough times easier to deal with too

Pam said...

I like the haircut. Yep, know the feeling about not wanting to go to work but having to go to pay bills. Until I paid off mine I could not retire. I am sorry you are not feeling the ump to do, but I do understand, not found my ump in six months now and that is not like me. Hoping you find the "I want to create" feeling soon.

Hootin Anni said...

How I LOVE to see you smile!

Reeni said...

Cute picture! I love your haircut!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You have a beautiful smile...and just made all of us smile with you! Hugs!

Buttercup said...

Great picture and great smile! Enjoyed my visit to your blog.

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