Sunday, January 19, 2020

Believe it or not

The weather turned rather wintry here. Friday we had a little snow and Saturday morning when I looked out my kitchen window I saw this.

That is not an edited picture. That is a layer of ice on my window. The sliding glass door wasn't as covered as the window but still lots of ice.

I wasn't thrilled about having to go out in that but I had an appointment at H&R Block to get my taxes done. Thankfully they are only a 1/2 mile down the road. That was my second shock for the day. I had my taxes done there last year because with Wade being deceased I didn't want to miss anything and screw it up. I decided just to go ahead and get them done there again this year. When she was finished filling out my return she informed me that their fee had gone up this year and it now cost $148. WHAT? Are you kidding me? It was bad enough that my refund is less than half of what Wade and I used to get together but then that fee on top of it. Next year I won't be going back there.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow! And I believe these people are not even experts. They have signs up here that they need help, and will train you.

CheerfulMonk said...

That's obscene about H&R Block!

Hootin Anni said...

I figure as long as there's a refund and no giving the government MORE...I'm happy

My goodness...icy windows indeed!

Forsythia said...

As my grandma (we lived in NW PA) used to say, "Tell them to go sit on a tack." Appropriate for tax bandits.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that ice looks like you edited a photo in PS... it is amazing ART and nothing had to be added or removed. I would say I wish I could see it, but will be happy with our photo. yowsa and going out in ice to be ripped off by tax bandits. yes, I stole the word bandit from Cynthia. when my dad died, it was involved. he died in July, but there were questions about what I would do or need to do and since Chuck had done my returns before I went by his office to ask 2 questions. he gladly answered and when I left said no charge. come January, I dropped everything off and when I picked it up 2 days later, the cost was 359.00.. I nearly fell out on the floor as I paid, got in the car, and checked the bill and he had charged me 150.00 for consultaion in July. I have not been back since then..

Kate said...

The photos of the ice on the windows are beautiful! It seems the name of the game nowadays is 'screw the consumer' (pardon my language) and it usually comes with no customer service.

Rose said...

I used to do our taxes, but then one year had something I could not handle and went to them, and they really worked to get it next year I went back. I had both girls in college and there was tax stuff because of them. I had been doing it previously so I knew what to expect...but it came back different, I said you got something wrong. He kepts saying well, I just filled it in...I said no you have did something wrong. When he saw I would not accept that, he went and got the manager and she looked and showed him what he had done wrong. So, I did go back.

Have been going to a CPA, and she is still less than what they were probably 15 years ago. I hate to see what they would charge now.

My brother always fusses at me to do my own, but this is one thing that is just less worry...I always worry about writing down numbers inverted, a number different to what I meant to write, etc...

Jeanette said...

I've been using TurboTax for a couple years now. Last year it was simple because we just used the standard deduction. We had to pay though which I'm expecting to have to pay again this year! It's getting icy here too now after getting 8 inches of snow yesterday!

Tanya. said...

I really thought that was an edit on the window Ann...I've been away for a while...this and that going on in life...but apparently you've had your ups and downs too so you'll understand. Nice to see you're still posting for us to enjoy. x

Ann said...

Ginny, I know, I think you're right. It blew me away how much they charged

CheerfulMonk, highway robbery

Anni true.

Cynthia, I like that saying

Ann said...

Tanya, that picture reminded me of an effect I can put on photos but this is just what the window looked like.
Life does tend to get in the way of blogging :)

Connie said...

I always go to them, too. The price is high, but I'm afraid that I'll do something wrong and I don't want the worry.

Reeni said...

WOW that'a LOT!!! We had snow but no ice like that. The tree picture is really pretty.

Laurel Wood said...

That fee is ridiculous! I can remember when I was young, GA had a severe cold spell and our windows iced over like yours here. So thankful you do not have to go to work today (Monday). Stay warm and safe with Gibbs.

Ann said...

Reeni That's what I thought but then again I'm rather cheap so I never know if it's actually a reasonable price or

Pam said...

That just looks CoLd.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Wow! I storms are no fun at all. How much was it last year?

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

these overcharging people have people by the "balls" as they believe that we the people have no idea what to do...possbily initially we don't, but I think we are all capable of doing it ourselves. I don't have to do that stuff...due to various reasons, (I'm not in the USA)

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