Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Change is gonna do you good.

I have lived in my house for 32 years. In that entire time there has never been curtains on my kitchen window.  A couple weeks ago I was trying to do dishes and the sun was blinding me. I grabbed a tension rod I had and some fabric and made a makeshift curtain while I washed dishes. I decided I liked it and wanted real curtains.

While looking at the ones in the store I really couldn't decide and ended up getting some plain white ones. They were a 3 piece set with 2 panels and 1 valance. I didn't use the valance because the panels were large enough that they went from the top of the window to the bottom.

Since I may not always want them closed I pushed them open and didn't really like the way they looked. I thought tie backs, that's what they need. I think I'll make some. But with what? That's the nice thing about having a craft stash. There is always something you can use. I grabbed some burlap & lace ribbon and some jute twine.

The jute was used to bind the ends of the ribbon and make a loop to attach to the hooks I put on the wall.

They aren't fancy but then neither am I. The other thing is, in the entire 32 years that I've lived here this is the first time that it's entirely my decision what happens in this house. I can actually make it ALL mine without having to consider someone elses thoughts or likes and dislikes. Slowly, as I can afford it I intend to create a space that suits my taste.


CheerfulMonk said...

They look perfect to me!

Hootin Anni said...

Instead of a man cave, a she shed. Sounds good to me. You don't need a valance...the scalloped wood is already there. I love the tie-backs you made.

crafty cat corner said...

I think they look smashing. I know what you mean about doing your own thing. As much as you love the other half their influence does sometimes change you mind over things.
I like the wooden pelmet over the top.

Kate said...

Perfect tiebacks and you may have started a new trend - you have such good ideas! Enjoy being able to do what you want with your home ... perhaps that's the silver lining to your cloud.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love these, I love white, it keeps the room bright but blocks it if it needs blocking. I have always had white curtains in my kitchen, over the blinds, my DIL said why did you use white on white walls? I said because that is what I like and wanted. I wanted to say why did you use PURPLE in your kitchen... super job on the tie backs. I have been looking on Amazon for white ones for my kitchen, I want to dump the blinds, they can no longer be cleaned, they are 30 years old... where did you find these?

Annsterw said...

They look fantastic! I love that you created them yourself! That is my favorite part of living along...I change things all the time just to change it up! So fun! Enjoy making your house YOUR HOME! HUGS Ann

Sandee said...

Not asking permission or someone else's opinion is refreshing indeed. Good for you.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Lin said...

LOVE it! They are perfectly your style!

Rose said...

Now those are something I would like...and that you made them is even better. I think the window looks good with curtains.

Ginny Hartzler said...

They are OUTSTANDING!!!So pretty, and really dd the perfect touch. They also really show off your fancy wooden valance. I LOVE them! And the birdhouses too. Gibbs is adorable in your last post, who could have a cuter friend?

Connie said...

Small steps to make it your home. It's time to play around with your home and add a look that makes you happy. Your curtains are lovely and the tie backs are perfect. I spend so much time at my kitchen sink and love that I have a window over it. It's the view I see the most each day:)

Jeanette said...

They look great! Have fun making the house just the way you like it!

Ann said...

CheerfulMonk, thanks

Anni yes, she shed instead of mancave. Although the way the room previously known as the mancave is decorated in a way that I really like. Maybe a few small changes but that's about it.

Briony Thanks you. A lot of things in my house were picked out by Wade. I thought they were ok but not necessarily what I would have chosen.

Ann Thank you. Living alone does have it's advantages.

Sandee, that it is

Lin thanks. I don't know if I've ever really had a style because I like a little of this and a little of that but maybe somewhere along the way I'll figure it out.

Ginny Thank you. I can't believe I've gone this long without ever wanting curtains there. Those birdhouses have been there for a long time. I need to get up there and clean them all off. I bet they have a layer of dust an inch thick.

Reeni said...

They're cute! Great idea for the tie backs.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

You are so talented. I like what you did!

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

that's great and you get to enjoy what you actually created, and even though you "had-to" make the tiebacks it creates that little more personal touch. Interesting how suddenly one realises "this is my own do what I will with it..."

it's a bit like me and food!

I recently decided to eat more meat again - but I really didn't know how to cook it, because my knowledge was based on decades ago when my ex-expert-man-knew-the-best-way. So I was shocked at the organic butchery about how to cook their gourmet sausages (chicken/leek) - I was sure as eggs it wouldn't cook, but in the oven I put them, with some root veges. WoW, amazing....

I also got some thinly cut steak, a short convo about what kind of tools I had too cook that with...and yep, looking forward to their instructions; I had something similar for Xmas day, but it was via a big bbq gadget, something I don't have - nowhere to put one either...

Oh, I loved the sausage, I have another already cooked, as I quite like cold sausages...

BeadedTail said...

I love how they look! The tie backs are perfect too!

Terra said...

Your tie backs look very nice with your new white curtains. Good idea.

Laurel Wood said...

Hi Ann, I love that your personalized these curtains with the tie backs. Burlap and lace are so popular. I don't have a window over my sink now, but in the past I have been blinded by the sun coming thru the window, too. I bought some inexpensive curtains at Family Dollar for my current kitchen.

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