Monday, January 20, 2020

Winter blast

I shouldn't complain because so far, we've been really lucky with the weather this winter. It's been quite mild and the snow has been next to nothing. Just because I shouldn't doesn't mean I won't. I can't help it. We had a blast of winter yesterday. It snowed all day long.

I'm just glad that I don't have to go to work today. I can guarantee that this is one day off that I won't be going anywhere.


CheerfulMonk said...

I love staying in when it snows, and I love your pictures.

Connie said...

It looks cold, but your photos bring out the beauty.

crafty cat corner said...

Very pretty but not to my liking. Here in the South of uk it was lovely and warm and sunny yesterday, we sat on the seafront for an hour.

Hootin Anni said...

You say y'all have had very little snow...dang, but this looks like a lot to me. And all in one day.

Rose said...

It is beautiful...I always feel furstblike a school kid when I see it snow, then I have the adult reaction of not wanting to have to go any place.

Kate said...

It does look pretty. I'm at an age where I no longer like copious amounts of snow - just a bit of white would suffice - sadly Mom Nature doesn't listen to me. Enjoy not having to be out and about today.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love the snow puffs on that tree, so pretty but do not want them outside my window.. you are having mild and boston has snow covering their front doors, saw that on the news yesterday. enjoy your home time and stay warm. wonder what crafts you will create or which shows you will watch, OR will you clean house? give Gibbs an extra hug from ME

Sandee said...

Nothing better than having a day off after all that snow. Enjoy staying warm and dry and doing what you want today.

Have a fabulous day off. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Anonymous said...

You lucky devil. You got much more than we did!!!...:)jp

Jeanette said...

Well, it does look pretty, especially on the trees! I don't mind snow as much as I mind the bitter cold! That I can certainly live without!

Annsterw said...

LOL Ann - I said the EXACT same thing when I saw the snow in Pittsburgh!!! LOL! It has been mild but now I feel spoiled and I had seeing any flakes! HA! Have a great and hopefully snow-free week!!! Stay warm!

Ann said...

CheerfulMonk, me too and I wish I could skip work when it gets bad

Briony, it is pretty but I don't much like it

Anni, for these parts this is nothing.

Sandee that's for sure and you would think I would have just stayed in aall day but I didn't

Ann I know there is still plenty of time left for us to get really hit with snow but I'm good with just getting what we've had so far.

Pam said...

Been spitting snow here all day....but thank goodness that is all. Keep in mind, two days ago it was 70 compared to our 24 now!!! It has been an amazingly mild winter here so with that, I am ready for it to move on since it has not come around before now. BUT I also have to say, it would be so nice to have a snow like that NEXT WINTER. HAHA

Debby@Just Breathe said...

It looks beautiful!

Marg said...

The snow is pretty but glad it is at your house and not mine. Glad you had a nice day off.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

Well finally our summer got underway here...there have been some wrestling with the bed sheets a few times...sometimes there a nice breeze of the sea, so that does help...

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