Saturday, January 25, 2020


So today I'll show you what I made. At least one of the things I made. I have another Valentines day craft that I'll save for another post.

I started out with some bottles that I recycled from the deli department at work.

These sweet and sour sauce bottles went from looking like this

To looking like this.

The pink and red bottles I brushed on mod podge and then applied tissue paper. I wasn't careful about getting out wrinkles. I wanted the added texture. The white one I tried painting the bottle first but had paint chipping off rather easy. Then I did the mod podge and white tissue paper it will keep any more paint from scraping off but still give it a bit of a chippy look. I finished them off by adding the jute twine around the top. I may or may not add ribbon to them.  The glitter hearts were ones that I bought at the dollar store.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are so cute and besides that you recycled the bottles into something pretty and useful...

Hootin Anni said...


Rose said...

You are so talented! I would love these if I had a place to set one.

Pam said...

Oh those are cute. Recycle, reuse, repurpose.

Kate said...

Oh yeah - great idea - they look terrific!! These would make nice centrepieces for any occasion - just change what's put in them. You're too clever. :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love them! Especially the texture.

Marg said...

Those are just perfect. I really like the idea. You have a super day.

Ann said...

Anni, thanks

Pam, thanks, I like being able to use items that would otherwise end up in the trash.

Ginny. Thaks. I didn't originally intend for them to be like that but since I was having a hard time getting the tissue paper to lie flat I just went with it and ended up liking the texture.

Marg, thanks. I liked how they turned out

CheerfulMonk said...

They're cute and useful. Great idea!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That came out really cute!

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

totally awesome, and created from what essentially would be waste...great holders for your hearts

Ann said...

CheerfulMonk thanks. I had fun making them too

Renee, thanks

Catherine, it's always a thrill when I can use things that would have otherwise ended up in the trash. The best part of this whole project was that I already had everything. The only thing I bought were they hearts and they were only $1

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