Wednesday, January 8, 2020

I wonder what that is.

Part of my job includes doing what is called a breakout. This is pulling the various frozen dough products to be baked the next day. For over 20 years I've been doing this. Yesterday I saw something I have never noticed before. I had just pulled a new case of pumpernickel bread from the freezer. The box looks the same as it always has except what are those markings? I've never seen those before.

Not only have I never seen them before but what the heck are they supposed to mean.?


Ginny Hartzler said...

I don't have a clue! On clothes now, instead of washing instructions a lot of them have little pictures. I can't make head or tail of them. I'm going to google it!

Ginny Hartzler said...

They are packaging symbols. I found a lot on the web and Pinterest. But none of them were any of these!

Rose said...

Curiouser and curiouser!

Hootin Anni said...

That's easy...a Republican walks barefoot in the park. He has a feather up his butt and has to bribe a Dem $250 to keep quiet!

Gayle said...

Says 'improession guide'. My guess is it is related to stacking and weight limits.

Gayle said...

Me again. I wasn't even close---haha. Something to do with printing and the ink.

Forsythia said...

I hope it's OK that I added your blog to my bloglist. You mentioned "Erie" in MAD SNAPPER, so I went right to your blog. I was born.grew up 40 miles south of Erie. I miss NW PA. Live in Maryland now.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

well this is odd, and I really enjoyed all the comments, especially Annies story

Lin said...

Hmmmm...have no idea. But I liked Ginny's comment about the laundry symbols. WTH??! I have NO idea what those teeny tiny symbols mean!

Kate said...

Hootin' Anni's suggestion made me laugh! :)

Sandee said...

I don't have a clue what these mean. It's something to research though.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Grace said...

Those symbols are examples of what different amounts of ink, as determined by the size of the anilox roll, will look like when printed - (The explanation is right there on the box "Matthews Anilox impression Guide")

Ann said...

Ginny I've seen the icons they're putting on clothes.

Anni, OMG ROFL this has got to be the best comment I've every gotten. You crack me up.

Gayle, Well your first guess was more than what I could come up with.

Cynthia, oh yes, absolutely. I'm happy to have new readers.

Lin, Not quite sure why they needed to go with the symbols I understood the words much better

Sandee, yep and I see Grace did just that

Grace, leave it to you to come up with the answer. Now can you tell me what an anilox roll

CheerfulMonk said...

OK, thanks, Grace, for the suggestion to look up anilox, but what does that have to do with the elephant, footprint and feather? I'm still intrigued and puzzled.

Pam said...

Well if you read it going up you will see that Matthews as .250 plates that feathers came on, the feathers tickled the foot that kicked the elephant to get the elephant to deliver the pumpernickle to where it needed to go...haha

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

life of symbols has just gone stark raving crazy IMHO

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I don't have clue either other than the second one looking like the symbol on a birkentstock shoe box.

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