Wednesday, April 7, 2021

How wonderful this would be.

Yesterday my daughter sent me this in a text. It's not a sure thing but boy would it be nice if this would happen. 

In other news, yesterday Ginny asked me why I couldn't sleep. That is the million dollar question. When I was younger I slept so well but the last several years I wake up frequently and sometimes I just can't fall asleep again. It happened again yesterday. I woke up at 1 am and could not get back to sleep. 


Rose said...

I used to go to bed and lay awake forever...but seldom do that now. If I have trouble, I can either stay in bed and go through naming states and their capitols, or I will.pickma city and state and see how many words I can think of with those letters. Of course it is all mental because I dontbturn a light on to write them down...but if that doesnt work there are certain shows I turn on and lean back in the recliner and they ease me off to sleep.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh gosh, you must be miserable! I'm sorry!

CheerfulMonk said...

Andy has that problem now. He has a prescription for the lowest strength Ambien and will sometimes take just a half a pill. It’s usually enough to do the trick. I hope you can find something that works.

Kate said...

I can empathize with you - I haven't been sleeping well since we went on DST. May provinces/states want to stay on DST year round - I'd prefer Standard Time year round. 33 This a.m. I was awake very early but the bonus was the aurora borealis was awesome between 4 and 4:30 a.m.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I hope this is a temporary thing... most of the time if I wake up like that and can't go back to sleep it is because my MIND is in gear and will not stop. sometimes i can do what Ginny said and shut it down and sometimes not.. i read on WEBMD last week that screen time, like looking at your phone or tablet can make this happen. it said do not look at them for at least and hour or longer. screen time on TV doesn't do it, but phone, tablet or laying in bed watching a laptop close to your face messes with your brain waves and causes sleeplessness. i have giving you all MY possibilities, now it up to you. I despise laying awake in the middle of the night...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

PS on a cheery note, this will get WORSE after you pass 70.. so says WEBMD

about the DST, Florida is trying to do the same thing PA is. we voted 3 years ago to do away with it and the feds said no, so now they are trying the legsltor crapola

Martha said...

It would be great if they did away with the time change. I'm so sorry you've had trouble sleeping. That's really horrible when you still have to work!

Hootin Anni said...

I wish the whole USofA would do away from DST.

As for sleep habits, I find diet(what you eat) affects sleep patterns. Many things tho, if I take a nap & nap too long, I can't fall asleep. If I don't get fresh air, cooped up all day & no walking, sleep is short & not restful.

You have a lot on your mind too, that doesn't help.

My Tata's Cottage said...

I did not sleep well last night. Marching around trying to make sure everything is locked and looking for chores in the middle of the night. Now I am exhausted but still can not rest. I understand your lack of sleep. The time change is so hard on people. I never understand the unlying reasons why they do this. Annoying. Take care and try to escape some of the things you have floating around. I understand this all completely. HUGS

Lin said...

I think insomnia is "normal" (sadly) as we age. I hope this changes for you and you get a good night of rest.

Why do we still have DST?? It takes me FOREVER to get used to the time change!

Sandee said...

I hate the time change too, but I don't think they will ever leave it alone. Messes me up too.

I sleep so very well. I did when I worked and do now that I'm retired. I hope it stays this way.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Pam said...

Apparently it was past here in Nashville but apparently there are so many hoops they have to jump through and years of doing that before things get changed.

R's Rue said...


The Feminine Energy said...

The common consensus is that it's your hormones, honey. At least that's what I've been told. I never realized how many of us older women can't sleep. Ugh! I'm sorry it's hit you as well. And yes, an end to DST would be a blessing!!! ~Andrea xoxo

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That would be a great bill to pass!
Sorry about your sleep. I know I don't sleep like I use too.

Sheryl Hastings said...

It's been forever since I visited blogs. Yours in fact is my first. I'm feeling you on the sleep issues. Strange because the hubster and I were just having a discussion about my insomnia. I've had it my entire life and has a hard time understanding this because he's one of those people who's head touches the pillow and he's down for the count. I hope you have better sleep ahead!

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Ann, I have the same issue! I have to take sleep aids like Z-quil which is over the counter. They say as you get older {who ... not us!!} you lose melatonin and thus have trouble sleeping at night.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

We have the time change in New Zealand as just fell back over Easter. For me it always seems to make me ratty - but this year, somehow I'm onto it because sleep and me of late with my current health issues haven't been my friend. Plus I'm retired and my "time" is my own...

Rose said...

I meant to also say that I would dearly love it if they would end this changing time...I am glad I don't have younger children that would have to go to bed before dark.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

For years and years we/I have wished for the time change to be done with and let us just flow with the natural way of things. My sleep has changed since losing my dear husband 8+ years ago. Every time change messes me up too. Sometimes when I can't sleep, I get up and read something encouraging from my Bible and that helps. I am able to take naps so that helps with getting enough sleep. I hope you get some relief soon. Sometimes our minds just don't want to shut off and that's hard to deal with. ~ Love, hugs and prayers dear Ann ~ FlowerLady

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