Thursday, April 22, 2021

Rude awakening

I had heard that we were in for some winter weather but it still came as a shock when I saw it.

Looking through my windshield before I left for work. Only 32 degrees. I wanted to go back inside and curl up under a blanket

Since I was the only one on the road I stopped and took a picture.

Then I took another one when I got to the stop sign at the end of the street. This one looks more snowy than it really is. You have the water drops on the window and the tree on the left is covered in white blossoms.

By the time I left work it was done snowing and most of the snow was gone. There was still some in the yards but the roads were all clear. It was still pretty darn cold though.


CheerfulMonk said...

Thank you for the pictures...I'm so sorry you have to go out in it, especially so early.

Hootin Anni said...

Typical Spring up north. Y'never know what it will do. Do you ever get tornado threats?

Kate said...

Yuck! I don't like snow in late April. This month our weather has fluctuated from +18C (64F) to an inch of snow on the ground - one day warm and the next very cold . . . it's crazy.

Martha said...

I'm sorry you have to get out to go to work in that. I hope it warms up again soon!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

great shot of the flowering tree, the snow and lights. love it.. so sorry for the COLD. brrrr. I had to wear long sleeves today on my walk, but it was 65 degrees and bright sun, the wind made it feel a little colder, but I loved it... we are swinging from 80's to 60's and back and forth.

Pam said... did get winter weather. Temps dropped here, winds came in and I think we had some rain and maybe some flakes but that is all. Here we are fusing about it being so much colder and you folks and others are dealing with that white stuff! We had one week of ice and snow in Feb and that was enough. I was done after that. Be safe out in that mess. NO FALLS this time.

Jeanette said...

Ug! This is the most snow I've seen in April that I can remember! I'm glad it's all gone now!

Sandee said...

I just came from a Colorado blogger and she's knee deep in snow. What month is this again?

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Rose said...

Days like that make me want to curl up in a blanket , too...if it is when I get up
Ours came Wednesday evening..

Connie said...

Wish you would have had the option to back inside and curl up in bed with a good book :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Same here! This is so strange to me, since we have global warming.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

feel sorry for the tree with it's new blooms - and suddenly it too wants to hibernate - as you do as well...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Wow, I got chills looking at the snow on the roads!

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